Hi lady's iv just been diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 21. This is my 3rd syst on my ovary in the past 12 months. I suffer with a lot of pain and some days I'm unable to walk. My doctor has send me for an ovarian cancer blood test and I am now awaiting the results. I'm just wondering if anyone else was sent for this blood test?
Endometriosis: Hi lady's iv just been... - Endometriosis UK

Yes, I think it is fairly routine. If you get a high reading it also indicates the presence of endometriomas. As well as other things, so it is rarely done as a test on its own. x
Hi I am pretty much in the same boat ad you right now, My GP did a blood test for Ovarian Cancer on Monday its now Wednesday and I am waiting to get the test results! i am 29 they said it is unlikly but they need to rule everything out!
Hope everything turns out well for tou, good luck xx
Yeah, was i first in hospital trying to figure out what i had, that was the first thing they checked for.
Yes, I'm just waiting for the blood test result too, must admit I'm pretty scared.
I had my result yesterday it came back clear I'm now waiting for my appointment with gynaecology on the 27th hope you all get the all clear too try not to worry to much