Someone has recommended Angus Castus to me as a way of aiding fertility by regulating your cycle. However, I've also heard that if you have endometriosis you shouldn't take it. Everything I've looked at at the internet about it is pretty mixed. Can anyone shed some light? Thanks. xx
Agnus Castus: Someone has recommended Angus... - Endometriosis UK
Agnus Castus

Hi discobec, there are other ways you could try and balance your cycle for fertility. I've had acupuncture, taken Maca root powder in shakes, also have recently started using natural progesterone cream from day 6 to 26 of your cycle to try n get my temps higher in the second half of your cycle, you could also take vitamin b6 on the same days. I tried agnus castus too and it didn't help my endometriosis at all, probably made it worse. Following the endo diet has really helped as you would be cutting out estrogenic foods, be careful of taking g too much flaxseed as that is also a phytoestrogen as is soya. Flaxseed is good for keeping your bowels clear which is essential for clearing oestrogen overload. Also using natural products on your skin and avoiding other xenoestrogens in the environment is really important.
If you don't already, subscribing to fertility friend. com and taking your basal body temperature is a good idea. A biphasic pattern in your chart, before and after ovulation is what you're aiming for.
Hope this helps xx
Hi sorry to drop in...but just on ur mention of flaxseed oil...what would u reccomend for omega 3 levels then...primrose not stron g enough and omega 3 fish oil better?I'm taking complete natural route....
Hi, you can buy omega 3 supplements from health shops but even better would be eat salmon (not the farmed kind) once or twice a week and organic eggs also contain omega 3. You can get plenty of omega 3 through diet.
Excision surgery is the only real treatment for endo. having all your endo removed by an expert will help wit fertility by reducing all the inflammation in your abdomen.
the best experts in the UK do what's called total peritoneal excision to make sure all your endo is gone. You may have to travel for the best care and I've found from feedback from other endo ladies the best surgeons in the UK are all based up nort
Both my period pain and pms were worsened on agnus castus. I took it pre endo diagnosis but am pretty sure it made things worse. And I just kept crying on it.
Far from improving my symptoms it made things 10x worse
Thanks ladies. Much appreciated. I think I'll give it a miss. I'm quite interested in accupuncture and plan to look into it further when I get a minute. ☺
I've been taking Agnus castus for 2 months and endo aching pain has been completely eradicated; I have found it very positive, but people's body's take to things differently. If you're still unsure from his forum, spesk to your doctor to see their opinion :-). Good luck x
I have been taking Agnus Cactus for about a month and a half. My last period I wasn't sure if they were doing me well or not because I was feeling bloated and like I was gaining wait over night, with no reason, even exercising and good diet. SO I stopped it and other supplements, and had my period for 10 days. But NO PAIN at all, that is amazing I have to say.
So I started it after my period, and this month my period is already a week late. Not sure if it does any good. I do not feel pain, but not sure if the results are good. I did new exams this month and my chocolate cyst is much bigger, as my C1.99 is much higher.
I guess is better to check with a naturopath or something.
Just found this on
Special Precautions & Warnings:
'Hormone-sensitive condition such as endometriosis; uterine fibroids; or cancer of the breast, uterus, or ovaries: Vitex agnus-castus can affect hormones and might affect estrogen levels. Don’t use vitex agnus-castus if you have a hormone-sensitive condition.'