A lot of people are suggesting the endo diet to me. I had no idea an endo diet existed! Does anyone know which foods I should/shouldn't be eating?
Endo diet?: A lot of people are suggesting... - Endometriosis UK
Endo diet?

I think the best book i have read on endo diet is by Alisa Vitti...called Woman Code...am going to give it a go...it really makes sense to me...will let you know in a few mths if any changes
also taking quercitin and pycnogenol and have heard serrapeptase is good too.
all the best
Hiya, there are many posts on here about the endo diet as its a pretty common question. Use the search option to have a look at previous comments.
Generally it us about following a anti-inflammatory diet. The endoresolved website is a very good resource. There are also good books you can get from Amazon. I have one by Dian Shepperson-Mills which is very good.
All the best
Avoid gluten, dairy, tea, coffee, alcohol, soya, red meat, meat that isn't organic, eggs unless organic,,sugar, processed food. It seems to be helping me a lot. Was already gluten and dairy free and I don't like tea coffee and alcohol or processed food - so easier for me but I do crave sugar on some days especially when the tiredness kicks in. My pain is hugely reduced and I manage on 1 paracetomol and a hot water bottle on my first days of period. Hoping it will stop my skin breaking out now I've cut the rest. Luckily I like to cook. Find good dairy and gluten free alternatives like doves farm flour and coconut or hemp milk and vitality spread. Good luck it is fine once you get into the swing of it...
I agree with sashapeggs, avoid eating gluten, dairy, soya, red meat sugar, processed foods. I am okay having one cup of coffee a day any more then I feel it. My pains are not so bad now and I dont feel bloated.
Thank you ladies! I should find this quite easy as I don't drink alcohol, tea or coffee anyway. Hoping a better diet also helps my skin as the change of hormone pill has broken me out quite a lot.
Thanks again, I shall have a look on amazon for a book about it now! Glad it's working for you x
I spoke to my Dr about an endo diet as I had seen people talking about it on this forum, I had no idea that there was such a thing.
Anyway according to the GP, there isn't such a thing, according to N.I.C.E. Whatever that accrinim stands for.
Just keep a note of how you feel after eating certain things, see what works for you, because we're all different. Xx