Hi ladies, looking for a bit of advice. I had surgery to excise endo 3 weeks ago today. Before the surgery I had a lot of right side pain, especially when trying to open my bowels or bladder (like a pulling sensation from the adhesions, I think). This is my 4th lap. The pulling sensation has gone and nearly all other pain except this stabbing pain in my right - approximately at my hip bone. It radiates through to my back and down my leg. Dr thinks it may be nerve pain but it started 2 weeks post surgery when I ovulated and hasn't eased since. I don't think it ovulation pain - maybe just a coincidence there? I am also still bleeding. Although it has lessened to a lightly bloodied (mucousy) discharge. Sorry for the TMI.
What do you think. Nerve pain, or something else?
Also, don't know if this is relevant, but the pathology report said they found a ball of raw nerve endings wrapped up in a big ball of Endo, covered in adhesions. They thought this strange, but didn't mention why.
Thanks in advance for your help/advice! LXx