Ibs?: Was just wondering how many of you... - Endometriosis UK

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7 Replies

Was just wondering how many of you have been diagnosed with ibs aswell.? Im going doctors tomorrow as these stomach pains are too bad, anyone have any tips? X

7 Replies

Hi jade, I was told for years that my pain was IBS and I do agree that I have it. I also got diagnosed with Endo last month. The way I could tell that it wasn't just IBS was that around ovulation and my period that pain was so bad that my usual IBS tablets don't make any difference whatsoever to the pain ie. buscopan, colpermin, pain killers etc. If the pain is so bad around those days and it just aches and tablets don't touch it, you could well have Endo. Keep pushing. Hope that helps, let us know how u get on x

scientistlorna profile image

It is common to have both endo and IBS.

I was diagnosed with IBS when I was very young, and have had painful periods for as long as I can remember; was diagnosed with endo in my twenties. I had the mirena coil fitted a few years ago, and the IBS significantly calmed down - perhaps something to consider for yourself.

Beetlebug84 profile image
Beetlebug84 in reply to scientistlorna

I suffered with IBS symptoms for years, to the point I thought it was almost normal to be running the loo after most meals. It flared up around my period as well. I had a lap earlier this year during which I had a lot of endo removed from my bowel. I also had the coil fitted during the lap. I'd say I'm now more or less 'normal'. Can eat anything I like without worrying and I don't have the cramps I used to get. Definitely consider the coil :)

in reply to Beetlebug84

Wow your post sounds just like me I have a gyne appointment tomorrow to discuss lap and the coil too I hope I don't have to wait to long x

GrittyReads profile image

Hi, For years I was told I had ibs, just based on my descriptions of what was going on. However, when I eventually saw a top gynaecologist about my endo and terrible perimenopausal symptoms, he says that ibs pains are often directly related to the endo, and are not (necessarily) ibs the way others - without endo -may have it. Thanks to him I had a mirena, and the endo/periods pains/aches and 'ibs' stopped - although the ibs had temporarily eased a few years earlier when I'd had a lap and endo ablation.

If you have no contraindications, and are not trying to conceive, I would try the mirena; however, check all other posts on here about the mirena, as not suitable for everyone; eg a recent post about progesterone and hypermobility.

Impatient profile image

I have both. But I can for the most part keep the IBS calm by avoiding all the trigger foods and drinks that set it off quickly and cause me a lot of pain.

The biggest no-nos for me are alcohol, caffeine, fizzy pop drinks, fresh citrus fruit juices like orange, red meats, ice cream (though can be a useful laxative in my case), foods that cause excess gas -like baked beans and sprouts (which I love), cabbage (hate that so skipping it is no hardship) etc.

I do seem to tolerate gluten fairly well, dairy isn't too bad in the pain department but does speed up the gut quite a bit in me.

I drink mainly water and soups as my hot drink choice. No tea,coffee etc.

It is a very individual journey of discovery to determine what foods and drinks have what impact on your pain levels and gas levels. takes a long time to find the triggers and avoid them, and the only way to do that is careful monitoring of what you eat and the reaction you have to it. Keeping a food/pain diary can help, eliminating certain foods for a couple of weeks then reintroducing them and recording the reaction.

I have a much longer list of my safe foods,and for the most part can manage to eat a well balanced diet of various things. But I do slip up from time to time.

Like when out with friends for meal or eating at someone else's house. You tend to be polite and eat what is put in front of you, or at a wedding have a sip of champagne to toast the bride and groom, but it doesn't take long - 10-20 minutes before you sincerely regret eating or drinking a banned thing, and wish to goodness you hadn't been so stupid as you sit there in increasing discomfort and pain.

I have mirena in too - been fantastic for endo and periods - but hasn't made a jot of difference to my irritated bowel. It still kicks off when I fall off the wagon and take onboard something I shouldn't .

When I get the pains, mine are in the colon - running across the tummy just at the top of uterus.

That's where it hits me hardest. Right across between the two pelvic bones.

I don't feel it in the stomach or digestive pipework further up, it is always the colon area that can floor me with pain rapidly.

Hi, I have been told all my life well since the age of 18 I'm 32 now that I just have IBS until 2 weeks ago I found out this is not the case it's been endo all along the pain the cramps the nausea the tirdness! 15 years of suffering! This is all new to me at the moment so I'm still learning but I believe diet really does affect it all??? Xxx

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