hi asking a question, when you get bad stomach cramps and ended up with bad diarrhoea, do you get like pains afterwards like having a headache, fatigue, joint pains, etc?? as i keep having those a few times... i know that stressed, anxiety and depression caused the cramps?? i know for a fact it cant be related to food interolence but i know it does but i am really curious about it... it driving me nuts... appreciated your feedback.. thanks and hope you are all painfree..
IBS problem: hi asking a question, when you... - Endometriosis UK
IBS problem
Hi hun
I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering with Stomach issues. I also suffer with problems digesting food, I get crampy, feel nauseated and it generally makes me feel like crap.
I read this article last night, I thought you may like to read it.
Is your STOMACH the main reason you're so stressed? dailymail.co.uk/health/arti... @MailOnline
Hope this helps
Jo xx
sorry to hear about yours too.. i once been sick last year as i was that stressed with work... still am and no motivation too as i cant be arsed to work... i get tired easily as well...
thank you for that link and that is interesting to read...
thanks again
Aw hun.
I think being stresses causes a multitude of problems but we don't always realise that they are connect.
I have had to give up work after being off for a year due to endo and Adenomyosis and this bowel rubbish causing me no end of trouble and causing so much pain.
I'm constantly exhausted all the time sometimes I feel even walking up the stairs hard!
I hope that this improves for you soon hun xx
aww bless you and sorry to hear that you have all those and i have endo and IBS and still working wishing i wasnt though...
i expect you feel exhausted all the time all that things you have..
sometimes i rather be at work than being at home to keep me occupied and forget things but sometimes it doesnt work... but hey never mind...
i need a break from work as the last holiday i had was February for a week...
i am hoping to feel better as i have anxiety which making feel so mad and my blood boils.. right now i am awfully tired as got up at 5.15 am this morning... like to go to sleep now hehe...
anyway hope you feel better soon xxx
Cle x
Yes it is really tiring, all I want to do is sleep lol, but that doesn't happen as I have 3 kids I have to look after, though on bad days I will nap when they are at school.
Yes i know what you mean I try and keep myself as bust as possible in the house during the day in the hope that I will sleep better at night.
Yes sounds like you could do with a rest hun. Was that pain that woke you up that early in the morning xx
gosh 3 kids eh?? aww adorable and how old are they? sorry for asking... i have no kids... well i certainly dont blame you for having a nap when they are at school...
yes i agree with you to keep busy in the day and sleep well in the night which i do... sleep long hours mostly at weekends...
i got up early that what time i get up for work and i thought might as well get up early this morning as went to bed after 9 ish last night... i only have pain in the mornings when i get up if i am stressed, have anxiety or depressed then my abdominal pains in a nightmare as i sweat a lot that when i get the pains and feeling hot in the mornings and once it over i got really freezing cold afterwards... then ended up with different pains like joins pains, go really tired (fatigue) or headache or something else once i had an infection after that before and that was awful... it was very weird to have that...
everyone at work keep telling me to rest as i want to be careful with my holiday entitlements.. as booked a week in October and November already as got planned but i am not sure to have it this month or next month or August... or maybe work straight through to October... go maybe go off sick for the week which i love to do... hehe... am i that naughty?? xx
Yes 3 of them lol and they are all close together, 12 , 10 and 9. The eldest 2 are boys and the youngest is my daughter who is 9 going on 19.
I do if I'm really not feeling good I feel like I have to nap.
Oh hun that's early to be up, I'm up at 6 to get my son ready to go off to school he gets taxied as he goes to a specialist school.
Oh that's isn't good I find that stress makes my tummy problems Worse.
I seem to pick up any illness that is going around I think it's because endo makes a immune system weak.
Yeah why not be naughty and some time off sick xx
gosh they are close ages.. bless yes stressed always make the abdo badly...
aww bless your son to go to special school.. hope the school help him good...
yes i might do that go off sick and save my holidays hehe....
hope you are ok there? x
Yes they are close lol got them all close together which worked well because they are so close.
Yes he has a neurological problem. He has trouble with his fine motor skills and struggles with school work, but the school he is at now is amazing he's doing really well. He's a very loving boy.
Yeah everyone is entitled to a few sick days xx
aww bless that is so lovely.. well he sounds remarkable boy... fabulous..
yeah i think so everyone entitled to a few sick days... xx
Yes he is wouldn't change him for the world😊.
I hope you manage to take your sick days!
I was just wondering di you take probiotics xx
well good for you there...
i will manage the sick days but im trying to think when...
i have never tried probiotics and havent a got a clue which ones and am i that bad? xx
Probiotics are really meant to help your stomach by adding good bacteria to your stomach, I take them and I do think that my stomach calmed down a bit after I started taking them, it might be worth a try xx
mmm... i did think of that but one problem i dont know what they are and i have tried looking for them... x i am useless really lol x
Pharma Nord Bio Culture 60 Capsules amazon.co.uk/dp/B000GY77SI/...
These are the ones I take xx
thank you for the link and it said contains milk protein and it not good for people who cant drink milk which i have stopped though...
they help you a lot? xx
Oh no hun
That's a shame I still have milk in my cereal skimmed organic milk.
Yes they have stopped alot of the cramping whilst I eat and after xx
Peppermint oil capsules are good for cramping as is Peppermint tea or cordial. I find if I have a pain flare I quite often get bowel spasms and diarrhea and it often leaves me feeling a bit beaten up for the next day or so just like if i had a tummy bug. I used probiotic drinks for years but stopped when I tried dairy and wheat free when undergoing bowel tests and have not had any noticeable difference so am saving my pennies; I know some people swear by them.
I suspect that my uterus is pressing on my bowel or the bowel adhesions I had removed before are back. I have no trigger I just get "that" pain and know I'm going to be a repeated visitor to the loo. It means wherever we go I always know where the nearest toilets are and I always have tissues with me! Ironic reading this thread as I am recovering from an out of nowhere bout this afternoon but this time with vomiting first just to add to the fun! Good news is I don't need a summer diet!
thank you for your reply and sorry to hear that... peppermint oil i have tried that but it making my stomach upset which it shouldnt...
No worries. I think that if your digestive system is delicate it is really easily upset. I've heard eggs are good to settle things down but I loathe them in all their forms.