How long until zoladex kicks in? - Endometriosis UK

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How long until zoladex kicks in?

pinkfairydust10 profile image
3 Replies

Hey all I have been put on zoladex and wondering how long it takes for it to start working. I have had one but not seen any improvement yet. Not had side effects yet either just wanted to know other peoples experiences. Hope you are all ok xxx

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pinkfairydust10 profile image
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Impatient profile image

As per the patient advice leaflets - the drug goes in and overloads the body with artificial hormones, this triggers the 'flare' stage in lot of women who will experience a boost of pain, bleeding, cramps and endo pains often a lot more severe than a normal period. This comes on around week 2-3 on average, but varies.

This flare stage can be experienced with differing degrees of severity, some suffer a lot, some hardy notice a thing.

It causes the pituitary gland to overload and begin to shut down. The pituitary is where many hormones are manufactured in the body. The body will have some residual supply of the hormones, but once that runs out that is when the side effects become noticeable. You would certainly expect to notice some side effects before then end of the 1st month and you have the choice of deciding whether to press on with dose no.2 or quit.

When your body no longer has the hormones to regulate certain body functions like temperture control, blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, kidney function, thyroid stops working putting you in state of hypothyroidism and so on.

How long this takes and how your own body copes is different in each of us. We all hope for the best , but my advice is expect the worst and prepare for it by reading up on the side effects, know what to expect so you're not caught out when it happens. Let family and friends know about the ones they will notice and will affect them too.

Hair loss around the house is noticeable - strands get left on furnishings, floor, bedding, in the bath or shower etc. Some people get grossed out by other peoples hair everywhere.

Your moods, anger depression exhaustion hot flushes and sweats, forgetfulness and other cognitive impairments will all be noticeable to other people.

Most however are your own private hell and not that noticeable to other people, but you do need their sympathy and practical support. So do keep them informed of what is happening to you and wht they can do to help you, whether that is to make supper, go shopping for you, leave you in peace in bed in the dark, keep the noise levels down, take the dog for a walk, fetch you an ice cold drink, let you sleep with windows open even when it's cold outside to them, you might be feeling like you are burning up.

Having home support may be essential on some days. If you work, or are on benefits inform them you are on chemo, you're entitled to any random days off work that you feel you need to take, and some days will be much worse than others. Some ladies are able to carry on working throughout the experience, some need a few days off here and there, and some will not be in any state to work while on the drug.

It is pot luck how it affects you as an individual throughout the time that the drug is in the body and sometimes long afterwards too.

Very best of luck, but don't get complacent that because things are fine now they will stay that way.

They might if you're very fortunate,but odds are that you will soon become very aware of things changing as the hormone loss becomes much more noticeable in the days ahead.

GenaG profile image

Hi. I was on zoladex 3.6mg for 7 yrs with a little hrt and calcium tablets due to osteoporosis. I came off them in January this yr and had my 1st bleed this week. I can only say as I found. Everything that impaitent said is correct however I am a lucky one. I tolerated zolley extremely well hence the longevity. The only side effect at the beginning after the 1st injection was a memence headache when hormone dropped. Yes I had hot flushes and yes I had dryness etc all menopause symptoms which the hrt helped with. I have just been told I should go back on as I have just had a 7 day bleed that looked like I was dying . I havent been able to leave my house in 5 days due to the severity of bleed. It is very much walking in the unknown as to how you react but all I can say it was the best 7 yrs ever pain free and no bleeding. I decided not to go on it again just yet and to see how the bleeding is next month and may then go back on. I am just being cautious as my done density in lumbar spine is - 3.7 . Please dont worry about this as what ever happens ypu will get through it and you will be fine. I promise xxx it is scary but dont be afraid if you need amyone to talk to we are all her for you xxxx keep in touch me friend

mablesky profile image

I,m a little concerned that the post below describes zoladex as a chemo it is not it is a hormone therapy.

I've been on zoladex for two years now and the benefits for me far way out the side effects.The drug,for me ,took about a month to start working it was a hellish month but soon settled.everyone is very different in how they react to all sorts of therapies I for instance felt really grim on the pill where as others are ok.

Give it a little time you never know you may feel ok on it.i,m not saying it's all plain sailing I do get horrible hot flushes and feel tired a lot but I have a life back.I wish you all the best in whatever you decide to do .

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