Im being put on zoladex until my next op. Gyne said it will stop periods and the pain that comes with it. Does this work straight away? Do you have to have it on a particular day of your cycle? Its just i ended up in a and e last week for my last period it was so bad im scared to have another one so want the zoladex asap but waiting for gp to receive the letter from my gyne. X
How long until zoladex stops your period? - Endometriosis UK
How long until zoladex stops your period?

Yes it should stop your periods pretty much straight away and help with the pain.
Yes it should stop straight away, I had various courses of zoladex and it was great for me, the only side effect I had was night sweats and hot flushes but far easier to deal with than the pain and heavy periods I used to get. Good luck!
Hi there, Zoladex is brilliant - painful injection and all. However I may have been the only patient ever where it didn't stop my periods straight away and 2 weeks after the laparoscopy and 1 week post Prostap (similar to Zoladex but just an injection not an implant), I had quite an intense period with heavy bleeding. However I was told that this is very rare. I would say try to chase the referral and try to get the Zoladex ASAP, as I had to wait a while for the practice nurse to fit me in, just tell them the importance of you having it asap. The 2nd Zoladex implant worked well and I was period free - bliss. I had really bad night sweats and hot flushes but got HRT meds for that and it worked well (properly kicked in after a week). I hope this helps just wanted to share my experience as the exception to the rule and I hope that the meds work for you straight away. Good luck xxx L
Hello, a lot of people will get their first period afterwards depending on want cycle day it was given and if you had already built up a lining, I got a period 2 weeks after my injection but after that I didn't for 4 months x
I had my lapo 2 weeks ago n detected endometriosis n had injection. But this week i again got pds. Is it ok?