I had a gyne apt last week where I was told there's a strong possibility I have endo. I had an ultrasound scan yesterday which was all fine thank god. Anyway the past couple of days I've had a painful vagina, like a throbbing aching (heavy) feeling and shooting pains lower back (I can't bend down without it hurting) and hips/pelvis. The aching is annoying, it happens around ovulation and when I'm on my period. I just wondered if anyone else has this type of pain with endo? I'm due to start microgynan back to back for a few months which I'm nervous about as I don't want anything to affect my mood but I need to do something. Many thanks for any replies advance xxx
Looking for a little advice on symptoms p... - Endometriosis UK
Looking for a little advice on symptoms please

I get lots of backaches, pains in my abdomen, round the hips and bottom. Sometimes it feels a bit tingly, almost but not quite pins and needles. I get a lot of pains and strange sensations down my legs too. I have so many random things that I only got my diagnosis after having an MRI via the back clinic - completely threw them with my symptoms!
Hi there, I get the tingly hips/legs, mainly the left side) and my leg starts to feel numb like pins and needles but not pins and needles if that makes sense ha x I'm 28 and a healthy weight with no other health problems (apart from anxiety/pms) so I'm starting to believe I do have endo. Hopefully the pill will ease things for me
I really hope it works for you. I know exactly what you mean about the legs - very difficult to describe to people!
I'd describe the numb feeling like when u sit on your leg for too long and the blood rushes back in just before the pins n needles, like a tingly feeling, I've got it in my hips as we speak and I feel like I'm carrying heavy weight on my Lower back thank you for replying it's really reassuring to talk to someone with similar symptoms xx where about is your endo if u don't mind me asking? X
I had a lap last year as they'd found a 10cm cyst on my right ovary during an MRI. When they went in they also found a smaller cyst on my left ovary, possibly something on my appendix and some between my uterus and bladder. I think my pains we were discussing are from either the ovary or appendix due to the side they're on.