Hi everyone,
I'm going in for my first lap on Saturday in Oxfordshire and have a few questions prepped for the consultant but wondered if there was anything you would recommend asking/checking with the consultant beforehand?
Hi everyone,
I'm going in for my first lap on Saturday in Oxfordshire and have a few questions prepped for the consultant but wondered if there was anything you would recommend asking/checking with the consultant beforehand?
Thanks for the advice, I couldn't find anywhere in the guidelines saying we couldn't though (only if we mentioned to advertise a business). I've broadened the area anyway just in case as I'm not looking for 'watch out for Dr so & so', more 'they tend to do this test/make sure you do...'. You might want to tweak your post too
Can I ask if this is a diagnostic lap only?Questions I would ask are- will they photograph/record lap and give you a stage.Also how will they treat it - burning off is very commonly used,but endo has roots,so is much better cut out.Dont know what age you are,but if you are hoping for children,then make that very clear that preserving fertility is crucial.Also ask what the post lap treatment will involve - you may be put on pill,mirena coil,GNRH agonists or leave you with no treatment.They always suggest Mirena coil being tried if you don't want children or are older and from what Ive read here it is wise to take opportunity to have it put in under anaesthetic.
Good luck with the op !Hope all goes well.
Thanks daffodil I'm 26 and this will be a diagnostic lap so your ideas are really useful thanks xx
Best of luck tomorrow.Sending hugs.Also a lot of great info on post lap recovery on here,so check that out if you have time.Another thing to ask is when you will find out results - lots of ladies seem to come out,not having even spoken with surgeon nor knowing when follow up appointment is ,which means a long wait.