I have been back and forth with gyne referrals for 8 years with issues of infertility and heavy periods and not once been offered a laparoscopy despite asking for one at the infertility clinic and was told I should ask for one with gyne who also refused. Just recently I had a scan that found evidence of endometrosis and have still not been offered a laparoscopy or any treatment other than an hysterectomy! I have been trying for a baby for 7 years with no luck and have lost one relationship because of this! I am now 43 years old and my chances are slim if not impossible without treatment. I did not qualify for free IVF at any point as I had two children in my twenties but my partner has none. I am feeling so angry and annoyed as I can't help wondering if this had been picked up and treated we would have been able to have our own baby.
I feel discriminated against (a friend went for IVF, got a laparoscopy when she had n't even got signs of endometrosis then went on to have a baby). This has lead to me feeling worthless and depressed. Anyone else having a problem getting a laparoscopy? Can anyone suggest routes to get one? I can not afford to pay privately.