Is this normal? I'm on cerazette!
I have severe endo on my ovary and Fallopian tube.
Is this normal? I'm on cerazette!
I have severe endo on my ovary and Fallopian tube.
I'm also on cerazette and have been having problems with bleeding and dark brown discharge. I went to the docs over two weeks ago now and asked for a hvs as I was also having pain. My results came back that I had strep and have now just completed a course of penicillin. It may be worth going and getting yourself checked out as three periods in one month doesn't sound right to me .
Good luck and I hope you get sorted Nat xx
Thanks for your reply. Yeah I'm exhausted and in pain. Xx
When I had Cerazette I was bleeding everyday someday a lot someday spotting but I was using towels everyday. My GP told me to stop it and changed it to Micronor but I was still a bleeding machine. The POP didn't take my pain away anyway so I don't think POP is not good for me. I get severe migraine so they won't give me the combined pill so I can't take any pill at the moment.
You could ask a different pill but my doctor told me POP has side effect of bleeding.
Take care
I can't take combined either due to migraine the only option I have is cerzaette which is frustrating xxx
I have this all the time, it changes from on all the time and having a period almost all month to having none for 2 months and I was on cerazette as well as implanon, gladly having implant out on 12th Nov so all should be solved
I had the same problem on cerrazette, gp changed me to millinette 30/75 and haven't had a period in 9 weeks which is a record x