Hi all! I was diagnosed with endometriosis 3 months ago (after having heavy and painful periods for 4 years). I had a laparoscopic surgery 1 month ago and my gyneocologist manged to remove several cysts. After my surgery I started having the Zoladex injections and my doctor suggested that I should also start the Livial HRT on the day of my second injection. I had my second injection today and after reading the leaflet of Livial (and searcing a lot of forums with people taking HRT) I am really scared to start taking this pill. The Zoladex side effects haven't really affected me much, since I only have mild hot flushes, sleepless nights, some memory loss and mild bone pain. I discussed this with my GP and he said that the side effects will get more intense with every injection and he is insisting that I should start taking Livial. Is there anyone who had this combination and can help me decide?
PS. I'm only 22 years old.