Has anyone had the pains come back after ... - Endometriosis UK

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Has anyone had the pains come back after key hole surgery, after a year and a half?

Tracey35 profile image
19 Replies
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Tracey35 profile image
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19 Replies
Ellie19 profile image

I had key hole last august and my pains have come back already. From what I've read on here, many people have experiences with the endo symptoms coming back earlier than expected. Some peoples endo grows back quicker than others.

Do you have the mirena coil or anything like that to help with the pain?

Don't suffer in silence, if you feel like something isn't right, go back to your GP and tell them the pains are back.

Hope this helps x

Tracey35 profile image

Dear Ellie,

Thank you for your reply, I don't have the coil or anything to help with the pain, I also suffer with migraines so I cannot take the pill.

Just on my monthly cycle at the moment, so waiting for that to pass, to see if the pain is still there.

But I am going to try that Endo diet and see if that help's the pain.

Will go back to the Doctor if there is more pain, thank you.

I hope your pains are not to uncomfortable? do you have anything to help with the pain.?

would you have the key hole again?


Ellie19 profile image
Ellie19 in reply to Tracey35

I have the Mirena coil which completely stopped my periods for about 2 months without stopping the pain and now the periods have come back with a vengeance! I've been told to try and stick it out with the coil and use the pill on top.

Have you not been offered any sort of treatment for the pain other than a lap?

Yes I would have the key hole again, but I am concerned about the scar tissue. However, I am sick of the pain I am in near enough constantly and want something to be done about it now! Would you consider surgery again?

Have you started with the endo diet? Hoping your pain isn't too awful! x

Tracey35 profile image
Tracey35 in reply to Ellie19

I have herd bad things about the coil, so I would see how you go, if your pains are still there, then I would have it taken out, after all it is only chemicals!!

I don't like to take anything, but the usual pain killers I have been told to take.

Think if it came down to it you might have to have surgery, I know that if I could not take it anymore then I would.

I have been on the diet for a week today, and I have to say, it has been better. It is of course still there, but not as bad. Try it for a while and see how you feel. X

Bluetit profile image

Mine came back after a year and a half, I would say I only really had 3 months of relief. I had an implant at the time but it didn't knock out my periods properly. I'm also a migraine sufferer so I have had to look at alternatives to the pill. I had a marina coil fitting 5 months ago which I'm still waiting to settle and hoping this works as I don't want surgery again yet. As it only gave me short relief I think it's a lot to put the body through and it builds up scar tissue so if the marina works then there is no point just quite yet but I would do it again in the future

Tracey35 profile image
Tracey35 in reply to Bluetit

Sorry to here that did not work for you, I also have migraines, and cannot take any form of pill, as there will be more migraines for me. Try not to take the pill, I found it better. As for the coil, I have never tried it, but it is not for me. I hope it works for you. Keep me posted, also try the Endo diet. X

livelovelaugh profile image

Ive just in the last 6mnths started to get really bad pain, and in the exact spot as before. I had my op back in 2007. I did have the mirena for a while too but didnt work for me. Everyone is right you should go & see your gp & get then to help dont be afraid to nag the


Tracey35 profile image
Tracey35 in reply to livelovelaugh

Sorry to here that you have got it back to. Have you been back to see someone? I am trying the End I diet first for a month, if I can go that long, and see if that makes a difference.


livelovelaugh profile image
livelovelaugh in reply to Tracey35

Ive not had the courage to see anyone yet. Im worried i will fobbed off again. Ive heard lots about the diet but cant find much info. Do u have a link?x

Tracey35 profile image
Tracey35 in reply to livelovelaugh

Hi, there is lots on line to look at, you just have to type in Endo diet, there is a good book to by a lady levett can't remember her first name though, but it will come up as soon as you type her surname in. You should go and see a specialist, they can advice you on what to do, you don't have to do anything if your not comfortable.


Saralou profile image


I've had a similar thing happen to me. I had a op about two years ago and my pain is now back. I have a coil which until now has really helped. Pretty much completely stopped my bleeding. It's only been the last 3 months I've been spotting. I've been going to my GP, but it took me ages to get a referral. They wanted me to wait until the 15 September. But luckily because I kept bugging them and thn the fact I've not been able to work for over a month now and I'm taking tramadol on a daily bases, I've managed to get an appointment with a specialist Next week. But I really did have to nag. Ring them up a couple of times a week and send emails.

So I'd say u should defiantly go to the doctors. Even if its just to get it put on your record. I also really recommend trying the coil. I know some people don't get on with it. But I've never had a problem and think its worth a try.

I've never tryed to diet. But now I'm looking into this as I really don't want to have to go through this every few years.

Not sure if any of this helps.


Tracey35 profile image
Tracey35 in reply to Saralou

So glad to here you have a appointment with the specialist, that's hope you can get some good result to help. Would you have the surgery if it was the only option, as you have dine the coil?

I have been on the diet for a week now, and the pain is still there, but not as painful, yes do try it, but you have to be really strict, not sweet stuff, or white, bread, pasta or rice. No cheese,butter,milk. But there are loads of alternative's. I have almond milk, and brown rice. Xx

waterbabydani profile image

My pain returned after 3 months

Tracey35 profile image
Tracey35 in reply to waterbabydani

So sorry to here that. How are you now.?.

cupcakegirl profile image

I've had five laps and never had anywhere near that long before the symptoms returned - mine have usually returned within three months, even while on hormonal treatments.

The surgery will remove the deposits but, with every period you have, you will likely get new ones which will bleed and spread, which is why surgery alone isn't an effective treatment option.

I also get migraines but have to take the pill or something else as I can't function with a normal cycle. I find some pills are worse than others - doctors are initially concerned about prescribing but it's the lesser of two demons in most cases, as long as you're careful and monitor the situation,

I would not recommend the mirena coil - I had it in, had insane pain and it took 11 months to get it out (long story).

There are other options like depo provera, zoladex etc - I think you need to discuss it with your doctor as you want to put off your next op as long as possible since they cause their own problems.

cklevy profile image

I have had 2 keyhole surgeries and they found endo both times. I only really had 3 months relief from pain after both surgeries. After my first surgery the pain came back worse than it had originally been.

Hope you get some relief soon :)

Tracey35 profile image
Tracey35 in reply to cklevy

So sorry to here that your pain was worse, how are you at the moment? Do you have pain now? I hope your not suffering to much if you do.

Thank you that very kind if you to say, I hope you do to.


cklevy profile image
cklevy in reply to Tracey35

Hey! Yeah still have pain at the moment, on amitriptyline and pain killers to try and manage my pain. I'm on the pill but cant take any with estrogen as I have had a DVT and PE, this doesn't really help with my periods or pain.

I hope you get some relief soon :)


Juleyanne profile image

I had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy a few years ago and lots of endo and adhesions were found which had spread into stomach and tethered ovary to bowel plus adhered on the other side. I was 'over the moon' after a few days recovery from op, the relief from years of pain was life changing! I was so grateful to be free from pain I rang the consultant's secretary to thank him. However, I spoke too soon as the pain crept back within a few weeks. It gradually built up and before I knew it, I was back to where a started and it has worsened over the years. I also had a very bad experience with mirena coil previously. It twisted and ended up upside down digging in and was so agonising I had it removed in A & E. Zoladex injections are another option to stop periods for a while, starving oestrogen which feeds the endo but won't help adhesions. In my case they think it is probably adhesions (scar tissue) causing the pain. It is well known that pelvic surgery often causes build up of spidery glue like adhesions which can stick to adjacent organs (as mine did) and this can be extremely painful in and around he operation site! They can pull and pinch and cause tension and nerve pain. In some cases they can affect the bowel and bladder and cause low back and hip pain and even leg pain. I am due to see my Gp soon and am frankly petrified as I have constant pinching pain (right sided) which makes me feel sick and I can't bear tight waistbands, get hip, pelvic and stomach pain and right leg pain. My bowels are affected badly and bladder pain (worse at night). I do have diverculitis and arthritis in the hip (found this out recently). I have been avoiding more surgery through fear of more adhesions and confusion as to the exact origin of this pain. Not sure if its adhesions, diverculitis, arthritis in the hip. All I know is it hurts and I am so petrified of ending up having major surgery or bowel resection and making things worse. It is one hell of a gamble either way, wish me luck!

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