Hello, I suffer from severe endometriosis, and have just had my last zoladex injection, has anyone tried accupuncture and had success with pain, or to conceive? Thankyou
Has anyone tried accupuncture for severe ... - Endometriosis UK
Has anyone tried accupuncture for severe endometriosis with any success?

HI, I tried accupunture. The NHS pain team in Nottingham gave it to me but it didn't help, if anything it made the pain worse so we stopped. However they woman doing it was usless and kept looking in the book all the time. I can't afford to have it done anywhere else so I don't know if done by someone compitant it might help. I have heard a lot of good things about it. xx
Hello, I know of a multibed acupuncture clinic in Birmingham that offers cheaper acupuncture for people who can't necessarily afford private treatment, or prefer the multi-bed setting. They keep the costs down without reducing the quality of care. It might be useful for you to try the website acmac.net to find out if there is one in your area? I've heard a lot of success stories about acupuncture helping with pain and fertility, but haven't got round to trying it out for myself yet!
I have regular acupuncture with a 5 element practitioner who is lovely and very skilled. I've tried both this style of acupuncture and the more modern version called traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) which sounds like a version of what Starri would have received (obviously inexpertly done) on the NHS and I find 5 element to support my whole body, mentally as well as physically, which as we know is very important when you suffer from endo.
I have a great deal of pain and a massive lack of energy with my endo and my practitioner really helps me with both of these symptoms. I'm also hoping to start trying for a baby soon and 5 element acupuncture has a good success rate with women who struggle to conceive.
I'm based in London so don't know who to recommend for your area but there is info online and you might be able to find someone local to you. It can really improve your life but it does take some time to take effect. It's certainly not a quick fix solution.
I wish you lots of luck with whatever you do.
Hi Tootingbelle, did you have any luck? I've started acupuncture and so far it hurts a lot more! But I'm sticking with it and hoping it'll get better and I'll be able to conceive. Just wondering 5 years down the line what happened, did you manage to conceive in the end? Thanks x
Thankyou girls for your reply's, I think I'm going to give it a try, anything is worth trying, to not get the pain back, that I had post op. I'm in kent, and I have found a good practitioner, but its obviously better to hear from people who have tried and tested it. X
I have had it...and after i felt great a bit dizzy but painless...after a couple of hrs it would ware off and the pain would return! i say give it a go and see if it helps you as everyone reacts differently to it! good luck x
I truely believe my acupuncturist made it possible for me to conceive my 1st, only 4 months after finishing a course of 3 month zoladex injections - I only have one tube and one ovary, and endometriosis in the ovary I have. I have been going for 9 months and it helped with the pain before my laparoscopy last year, I would definatly recommend going to see one Breaking the good news to her on my next appointment in 2 weeks time am now 7 weeks
I'm just backing up Ms Zolta's story with data of several patients of mine with endo and infertility who were helped to relieve pain (up to 90%) and get pregnant (high degree of success). I practice Medical acupuncture; none of that TCM mumbo-jumbo. Regular points used are: Sp6, 9 & 10; Vc2, 3, 4; Co4; plus pain points over ovaries. I don't practice in the UK and i'm not looking for clients; just telling it as it was.
Hi, what's the time frame like? And does it get worse before it gets better? I've been having acupuncture for 6 weels after laporsopy and my last period felt like a miscarriage (I've had one so I know) and then when I ovulated it felt like I was in labour (also done previously for point of reference!). These pains are the worst I've every had. I don't mind if this means it's going to get better and I can conceive again but would just like some kind of ballpark... any help appreciated
Omg zolta, that is excellent news, I bet you are over the moon hun. I conceived my first with no problems and without trying, but I have been struggling for 4 yrs to conceive number 2, and finally got diagnosed with severe endometriosis last year. My consultant said he got it all, so I'm hoping I can conceive when my periods return. I'm willing to try anything, thanks for the success story and I hope u have a happy and healthy 9 months. Thanks to all the other girls too xxx
I have tried it, and unfortunately, pain and symptoms getting worse is the first sign that it is working. Things improved for me, though it didn't sort it out completely. I had it while on Decapeptyl injections, like Zoladex, and before that when I was merely on the pill. I found that it helped me a bit, and possibly made things better for a little bit, which was good as I was doing my final exams at uni!
I paid for it myself as it wasn't an option for me on the NHS....like most things!
I hope it helps you if you try it!
I have had accupuncture on a monthly basis for about 2 years and couldn't manage without it. The main difference (not pleasant to talk about) is that my bleed is clot free, red and runny as it should be but without acupuncture I have huge black clots that cause enormous pain. I went from not being able to walk and in bed for days on end to up and dressed and walking around house but still having to take as many pain killers as possible but a definite difference. Good luck. Expensive but worth it. x
Wow I always wondered if those clots were normal. I have not been diagnosed with endo because I'm terrified of the surgery. My mom had it so I assume I do too considering the pain is so bad. I'm so glad to see I'm not alone and there are others out there that understand. To me it feels like Acid boiling in my pelvic area. My hands shake and sometimes all I can do is lay in my closet and cry afraid someone will say I'm being dramatic and it's just a period. Thank God I'm not alone.
I just felt I needed to reply to this post even though it is old, I am a TCM acupuncturist and there is nothing modern about it, it has been used in China for over 2000 years, the difference between 5 element acupuncture and TCM is simply 5 element originated in Japan and uses the 5 element approach of wood, fire, water, metal, earth to identify patterns of illness and applies these elements to the treatment whereas TCM originated in China and is a more traditional approach which incorporates the elements into the treatments without focusing on them being the main part of the treatment. Hope this helps!
The woman in the hospital was probably neither of these, she had probably like most doctors and nurses been on a weekend course to learn about pain points. Both TCM acupuncture and 5 element have to be studied for 3 to 4 years to gain a qualification in it's use.