I was prescribed Zpac antibiotics and prednisone. Still have cough and sinus infection NP ordered a new antibiotic for 10 days it is cefuroxime 500mg. I am afraid to take the new antibiotic. I read it is processed thru kidneys. My egfr is at 42 Any advice or comment would be appreciated Thanks.
Is it safe to take new antibiotics? - Early CKD Support
Is it safe to take new antibiotics?

I am no doctor but can only tell you what my doctor tells me on this subject (antibiotics and prednisone). I too am egfr 42 or sometimes 43. About prednisone, for another illness I recently had I was given a 40 day course of prednisone (starting high dose then tapering down to low dose). There was no effect on my egfr or creatinine level. And it was prescribed by my primary care doctor and approved by my kidney doctor. On antibiotics it kind of depends. Certain antibiotics DO impact the kidney, such as Cipro. It is recommened to take as low a dose as possible. But antibiotics can be taken. Some though are more harmful than others and if I were you I would make a simple call to my kidney doctor and ask if the one they want to give you is safe or not. If you do not have a kidney doctor.I looked at the information about Zpac. It says in the literature from the manufacturer that no dosing reduction is needed for those with kidney disease. So seems very safe. Here is what is said " azithromycin dosing modification is not needed in patients with kidney disease."
I went on Dr. google and there is mixed reviews for that drug and CKD. So call your doctor and have that conversation. You are smart to question it.
I always call my nephrologist office, talk with his nurse about the name of the antibiotics that I have just been prescribed. I either get the OK or a different one is prescribed by him. Most PCP's look up the antibiotic they are about to prescribe and double check how it is absorbed . One time in the last 5 years my nephrologist "stepped in" and prescribed something different.
My "rule of thumb" I don't anything OTC or prescribed without first checking with my nephrologist office.
Prednisone - those of us that have had a transplant take the steroids as part of our immunosuppressant medicine routine. It is really good at removing inflammation.
Talk with your nephrologist office today......