Menstrual cramps..can't take meds! - Early CKD Support

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Menstrual cramps..can't take meds!

treesarecoo profile image
9 Replies

Ladies, for those of you who suffer with severe menstrual cramps, how do you deal with it since you can't take NSAIDS? I'm really suffering lately. Nothing natural works. I've tried herbs, homeopathic remedies, I eat super healthy...nothing is helping!

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treesarecoo profile image
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9 Replies

I would talk to your doctor if you can possibly take one baby aspirin to help thin the blood clots. That should give you some relief as the clots are what cause cramping most of the time. Tylenol, just one though, warm packs or baths, massage, and some people swear that sex works too.

Rupsr_3 profile image

Unfortunately, I suffer immense menstrual cramps - sometimes I'm in bed for two days straight. I take paracetamol every 4 hours and hold a hot water bottle for dear life... I was put on the pill to help it, but I stopped using it after a few months - it wasn't my thing. Cat pose in yoga helps sometimes. Exercise and eating well hasn't decreased my pain, I haven't seen any difference in 20 years...

Sammi_n_Munk profile image

Hello treesarecoo. It’s true that NSAIDs are a no-no for those of us with kidney issues, but you still have the option of Tylenol (acetaminophen). Unless you also suffer from liver issues or if you have allergies to acetaminophen, Tylenol should be an option for you. If you’re unsure, speak to your doctor about this. Before menopause, my go to pain reliever was always Extra Strength Tylenol. It was my saving grace many times, and never failed me. And much like yours, my cramps didn’t kid around. They meant business, believe me! I hope this helps you, dear. All my best to you! God bless. 😊👍

WhollyAligned profile image

Hi there. Some deep breathing can help on a daily basis as this does influence hormone cell signalling and harnesses very importantly, a sense of inner safety and calm. Coherent breath, where you encourage equality in the inhale and exhale has very compelling research behind it. Benefiting both your physiology and psychology -that is essentially the mind/body approach. I am a yoga teacher and holistic health practitioner and in my years of practise working one to one with people, the secret really is to tune in to your own unique body and mind and explore what works for you. There is often a big emotional component to a physical presentation.

The second thing that might be helpful is legs up the wall. This is an inversion however a passive one and is safe during menstruation - however again, please listen to the innate wisdom in your own body so if it doesn't feel right, ease off. Legs up the wall can help relieve heaviness in the legs that can often accompany menstrual cramps and give the lower back tissues a rest. And importantly, up regulates your para-sympathetic nervous system - the rest and digest mode. If it's helpful, I have two podcasts on coherent breath however just let me know if you'd find that helpful or equally enjoy researching the power of breath in your own resonant way.



Radtastiical profile image

I had severe cramps as well. This may sound crazy but look into an IUD if you're looking into birth control methods to stop it. They're covered by most insurance and I have no periods, just a bit of spotting. My OBGYN recommended Kyleena. Hurts like crazy when they put it in, but it's good for 5 years and I'm saving money on 2x tampons (my wife still gets hers so I guess we're funding the industry ;) Tylenol can help as well. Extra strength 500 mg. Just be wary as Tylenol/acetominophen can affect your liver.

Sex definitely helps as does, for some odd reason, bananas. There's a pressure point on the side of your foot that can help too.

Bassetmommer profile image

Hi Treescarecoo.

You do not say how old you are. So I am going to assume you are pretty young. I suffered for years and I mean suffered. I found out that part of the issue was fibroids, which Ihad for years.

When I was past having children, which I never did due to all the issues with the fibroids, the doctor recommended having an hydrothermal Endometrial ablation. I was literally bleeding out.

It ends your periods and hence the cramps. It is better than a hysterectomy as you still have all the hormones and organs.

It is radical and will only be done if you are not going to have children.

As far as dealing with the cramps, I found little to get rid of the pain at the time. Talk to your doctor and see if there is any recommendation and see if there is any source for the pain such as fibroids.

Just my thoughts.

Margie5967 profile image

I have the same issue.

I was put on a low grade birth control pill that I take daily. Women do not have to have cycles.

Tylenol does absolutely nothing for my cramps. I used to be in bed for several days.

I definitely feel your pain and I hope this helps.

Mandelin profile image

I am in menopause and never had cramps but used aspirin for years for headaches. After diagnosis i stumbled on a double dose of caffeine, a little chocolate with a little soda. I don’t drink coffee so don’t know but would assume it works with that too. I swear by it now. I know a lot of these things aren’t good for you but a little is ok. Everything in moderation.

I'm not one of the ladies but perhaps I can be of some assistance. Many years ago I had a wife who had severe cramps and was taking several medications before we were married. I did learn of a simple technique that relieved her of the cramps that she was able to rely on rather than taking meds.

It goes like this: Lay on the floor, face down, on any hard surface. A soft surface bends the spine the wrong way. At the base of the spine, there is a triangular pad which contains several nerves. This should be massaged with only moderate pressure, continuing up the back along both sides of the spine as far as the shoulder blades, and back down. After only a few minutes, the discomfort should be relieved. If it hurts, that's too much pressure. It may take a couple of times a day at first until your partner becomes skilled, after that, maybe only once a day during cramps is necessary. Of course, skin contact is best but do whatever is comfortable for you. I have used this method with many people over the years and it has always worked. Most massage therapists will know this system.

Let me know how it goes for you.

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