I have kidney stones in pockets in my kidneys am I high risk for coronavirus in my work as I deal with public in a supermarket, I have ckd on my medical records.
High risk: I have kidney stones in pockets... - Early CKD Support
High risk

Hi, I have CKD and work in a school eGFR29 and I am now taking the advice on Social Distancing.
I am a nurse so social distancing there is difficult but I am doing the best I can. No hand shakes or hugs either which I hate because I love my Dementia residents. We are disinfecting every shift also.
Of course working where you meet the public is putting you at higher risk than others. However this is not kidney related. If the virus "lands" on you it is not more likely because you have kidney stones.
Anyone who has CKD stage 3-5 has been defined at being at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus and therefore should take care to take social distancing measures. Another way to look at this is that if you need a flu jab you should consider yourself in one of the at-risk groups.
The later your stage of CKD, the greater your risk.
Yes for some reason, which I do not fully understand, some countries indicate that for stage 3 you are at increased risk. Increased risk for serious effects of the virus. My point is that you are not more likely to catch the virus. For example, someone sneezes or coughs on you and spreads the virus. It lands on you. Or you touch a screen that has the virus on it and then touch your face. It matters not if you have stage 3 or not. You are equally at risk of "catching" the virus. Not more likely just because of having kidney illness. Yes you may be at higher risk of ill effects, for some reason, if you have stage 3, they say.