I just signed up in this website earlier this morning. I have IgA nephropathy stage 3 with my blood pressure extremely high like full time. I checked is yesterday and was 223/102 1st time and 219/108 2nd time. It's like above this or around this almost every time from 2016. The drugs don't help and have even abandoned them against the of my doctor. I have reduced salt intake to almost zero. I drink apple cider vinegar and lemon in water in the morning with a glass of water but I still have much change. Can anyone out there help me with this issue please? I am actually looking for alternatives other than the drugs. Thanks a lot.
High blood pressure : I just signed up in... - Early CKD Support
High blood pressure

fish, I don’t think I can be much help to you as I’m in pretty much in the same boat, but I thought you might like to know you aren’t alone! I have CKD3b and just a sole kidney, and my BP is through the roof! The problem for me is that I am super-sensitive to BP medication. I have tried about 8 different BP meds over the last few years, Losartan Potassium being the only one that my body will tolerate. However, it doesn’t control my BP which was the highest ever at my last kidney consultation: 240/110. I never add salt to anything and am just a few pounds overweight - we’ll I’m now just within normal range having lost about half a stone in the last 4-6 weeks. The weight loss hasn’t been difficult as I was started on a new BP pill which landed me in A&E with diarrhoea initially. Dr said it wasn’t the new pill but a bug (I hadn’t been anywhere to pick up a bug!). However, I followed their advice and continued with the new pill. Felt ok for a week or so and then started feeling so nauseous, light-headed with blurred vision that I couldn’t eat for 3 days. I stopped the new pill and returned to normal so A&E got it wrong but I was glad of the rehydration drip.
Something that might interest you is that I recently came across an article in The Mail about Vit B3 being tested as a treatment for pulmonary hypertension - high blood pressure in the arteries from the heart to the lungs. It said this can cause fatigue, breathlessness and heart failure. In a US study the treatment is being tested on healthy people, then on patients. It’s thought fatty acids called prostaglandins in the vitamin may widen arteries easing hypertension. I don’t know whether you are in the U.K. or US but if in the US perhaps you will be able to find out more. Apparently Vit B3 is Niacin which is reported online as being good for kidney function. Food for thought.......if you haven’t got bored and given up before reaching the end of my speal. I will mention it to my renal consultant at my next appointment in August.
I feel loved. Thank you for all the helpful information you have provided. I am in US and will try and get more information on Vit B3 that's on test. I am hoping all of us in this terrible sit will get through soon. I am about to start a new herbal treatment in the next 3 weeks that was encouraged by one of my friends. He has encouraged me that BP will go down and my level of creatinine will be fine. Well I will give more information maybe in about a month. My last lab test was 5.5 and I am having another visit on 5th/5/18. I am just living with hopes as my headache is never stopping completely. Well, I felt so good meeting this community this morning and together we are strong. Stay blessed and let's see what herbs are gonna do for me and probably for you thereafter. Stay blessed.
My next Dr's visit is 5th/7/18 not 5th/5/18. Sorry about that.
Have they checked for secondary causes of your HBP? Just because someone has kidney disease that does not exclude them from having other health issues also. Problems with adrenal glands, thyroid issues, infections, all kinds of stuff could cause BP that high.
The simple answer for me, Cruze, is that someone with a sole kidney for most of my life is at high risk of hypertension in later years. My reducing kidney function over the last 10 or so years is, no doubt, as the result of either taking a NSAID for some months to treat an undiagnosed autoimmune inflammatory illness or the inflammation being allowed to course through my body untreated (it needed high dose, long term steroid treatment), or a combination of the two.
Added to this is the fact that kidney disease can lead to hypertension, and vice versa.
I have the high blood pressure problem too . It's pretty good in the morning but rises as the day goes on and when I go to the doctor it goes thru the roof. It's a lot Breyer now that I'm taking herbs(a lot of them) and have recently started a new one that's supposed to lower creatinine.
Mines the opposite. During the day and afternoon and early evening it's always fine. 130/80 usually. But like clockwork, every night at about 10:30 I start to feel like poo and my BP skyrockets to like 190/110 and stays that way till about 3 am. Then it dramatically plummets to low levels for the rest of the night. Lat night at 2 am my BP was 188/105. Then at 3:30 am it was 94/60. No explanation. Doc really don't seem to care. They say as long as it don't stay high I should be fine.
Mine suggested that I could take 2 bp pills if I wanted(since it's always so high when I go there) I said no thanks
Same as me. I asked what's the benefit because it doesn't work? I don't want the side effects only. It should balance both benefits and side effects, If not I don't want it anymore especially with this kind of weak kidneys already. We argued but final decision is always mine.
I understand completely. When he first wrote the script I didn't take it. Then my husband and Doctor ganged up on me and I gave in but not taking 2!
Sorry about that. My husband does not pay attention to anything happening anyways. He does not not know whether I follow the mess or not. Not very good idea because he is not very much supportive.
Well if you ever need to bounce an idea off me or learn anything new, give me a holler and I'll do the same. The only support I have really is my husband and a couple of people I talk to on this site that have really helped me thru. I'm thankful to God I have them😀
You too!!