Hello Everyone,
I was recently diagnosed with CKD, and I had gone from normal levels of 99 in 2017 to a low off 55 a few weeks ago!
I just received my recent lab work results and my creatine levels have gone down, I think significantly. I am fairly certain in MY case, I was dehydrated and not eating the way I needed to be eating. My creatine went from 1.14 to 1.03 in about 3 weeks. According to the EGFR scale I am on the borderline of stage 2 and stage 3. I am going to continue doing what I have been doing, I am tweaking a few things, and planning to lose more weight. I am also WELL aware, that I must continue to be vigilant about my health. Our bodies are always in flux, in motion and changing to maintain homeostasis. Lab results can change from day to day, but many of us, will be able to also see positive changes.
For those of you, that are working hard to increase your EGFR, or maintain your current levels, it can be done. I am sending encouraging vibrations and healing energy to all that need it.