my blood pressure averages out to 113/52 and my GFR is 48 is there any relation between the two.
low blood pressure and low GFR - Early CKD Support
low blood pressure and low GFR

Hi Goodnature,
Although high blood pressure is often is in correlation to kidney disease, there is also information about low blood pressure. I think you need to speak to your doctor to find the reason for the lower number, your diastolic number. I would suggest you have your readings done more often to see if this was a one time reading or what you run normally. You can get a BP cuff for home and journal your readings. Most BP fluctuates during the day and activities. But a diastolic reading of 52 is pretty low.
Thanks Bassetmommer. The reading I gave as my blood pressure have been averaged out over two weeks. Though I use my home cuff, I have gone to different places to have it read and it still is so low. Of course I am 80 years old also. but I am fairly active.Thanks again
I agree and feel that you need to work more closely with your doctor on this. If you are taking any high Blood Pressure medication, perhaps it needs to be adjusted.
I have naturally low to low normal blood pressure as did my mother.
My GP and nephrologist are both on top of this; a dystolic reading of less than 60 is not optimal.
Please give a call!
That’s a normal blood pressure
As long as you're properly hydrated and you aren't suffering any low blood pressure symptoms, it's probably normal for you and your age.
Marvin, you are absolutely correct about hydration in this issue. Below 60 isn't optimal; but each person is different.
I had an issue with my BP dropping last summer; I added more water and a tad of Gatorade Zero in the morning and a small amount of coffee has kept me at 60 or so.
To be monitored to say the least.