Hi everyone we'll recently i when to my new kidney doctor and he told me that my gfr when down to 52 From 55 and said that I'm in stage 3 which I knew also said I had protein in the urine which I became really worried and also wanted to change my med for bloodpreassure but I was not sure so decided to go back to my old kidney dr and he checked the results and said my kidney is in the low 60s that I shouldn't worried that is not 52 that I'm stable but I'm really confuse idk who to believe can anyone give me some advice plzz and btw next week I have to go to the new doctor to see if the results are better
Confuse about my gfr with my new dr and old - Early CKD Support
Confuse about my gfr with my new dr and old
Jennifer24: Imagine everyone's medical situation and prescribed treatment plans are different. I am 76 and diagnosed at stage 3b, 1 & 1/2 years ago. Doctor prescribed a pre-dialysis diet and exercise routine along with omega 3, D3 and appropriate multi- vitamin. . So far treatment plan is working and bloodwork shows condition has stabilized and other levels are good. . Your Doctor should come up with an appropriate treatment plan for you. Good luck to you on your CKD journey.
Gfr can fluctuate from week to week depending on your diet/health etc
It can go up as well as down so I wouldn’t worry too much,
it’s only if it’s on a steady decline that may be call for alarm
However the older we get the worse the kidneys get anyway just try to live as healthy a lifestyle as you can
hi i had 52 years of doctors making mistakes.the reason why your urin has protein in is because blood presure is to high..get a blood presure metre for yourself and check every few days...if the machine says it to high..IT IS...dont fobbed of ..if no joy change doctor..
i have had transplant because of poor care so take care of yourself..60 egfr is more than enough for your whole life so keep an eye on it...regards chris..helping others helps me..
Just a thought: There are 2 different GFR tests. One is eGFR and other is GFR. This might result in different numbers, plus if not same lab, it might vary.
Thankz but it's from the same lab he just didn't use the formula my old doctor uses for ckd patients he when with wat the lab said
Are you able to get ahold of the lab results yourself? I have my results sent o me befor I go to the doctor so I can review and ask questions. Are the numbers from the same test and the two doctors are calculating them differently or are they two separate tests done several days or weeks apart? As Steve 99 said it can fluctuate. A few points would not be unusual. Personally though, I would want a copy of the actual report so I could see the numbers myself.
The two drs are calculating it differently my old doctor use sr creatine to calculated and the new one just looks at the labs from the hospital and doesn't use any formula which I don't understand bcuz ppl with ckd they usually use a formula
Ah, I see. Interesting. My nephrologist just looks at the labs that says GFR as well. I wonder how exactly your doctor is calculating it. I used the calculator found here kidney.org/professionals/kd... and it came up with the same GFR as my report did.