Hi my name is Jennifer I'm a 28 year old female I recently was diagnose with ckd stage 3 I became really worried with diet and drinking lots of water it when from gfr 55 to gfr 60 I was relieve but I recently when to the hospital for adnormal bleeding they found a cyst and they checked my kidney and the creatine when up to 1.30 and gfr 49 I'm really worried because it when down really fast from 60 to 49 the doctor said the kidney is doin well but they don't reflect on the results and is giving anxiety and I'm super worried do anyone has any advice please. Thank you
Had kidney transplant for 17 years I'm c... - Early CKD Support
Had kidney transplant for 17 years I'm concern on recently on stage 3 ckd

please dont worry it wont do you any good try to think positive all day every day..your mind is very powerfull..best of luck...chris
please dont worry it wont do you any good try to think positive all day every day..your mind is very powerfull..best of luck...chris
Prayers for you! God can do anything!
Play some classical music and make your mind realize that not everything can be controlled. Sometimes somethings can be "let go" and your body will oblige. Healing is a process that only happens when one "lets go" and stops worrying.
Hi thankz for your advice u guys I when to the doctor and my creatine when to 1.2 the doctor said I shouldn't worried that I'm still stable and that my gfr should be between 55 and 60 so I'm better but still waiting for an accurate gfr keeping my fingers cross. But thanks to god and prayers everything is ok
I only have one kidney and my gfr and creatinine are the same as yours. I'm 45. I lost my other kidney to misdiagnosed hydronephrisis January of 2015. I was told I can live a long full life with this kidney at the stage I'm at if I watch my protein intake, stay away from ibuprofen, ok any antibiotic use with my doctor and drink lots of water. Doctors always tell me I'm stable and not to worry but honestly it's all I think about every second of everyday and I stress so much every time I get a blood draw and I have to wait on my numbers to come back. Its always an emotional roller coaster of emotions. My gfr fluctuates just like yours it's completely normal. Just make sure before your test you are very well hydrated. Drink plenty of water before your test. It will help with your gfr results. Good luck to you.
Hola Jennifer24, yo tambien pase por tener la proteinuria alta en la orina, la que subsane con Lozartan, un medicamento para la presion arterial alta y yo, la tengo baja!!!, entonces me lo tomaba en la noche!, para no sentirme durante el dia, sin animo!. Tambien me ayudo mucho, ingerir aceite de coco extra vegetal, 1 cucharada sopera en la mañana y otra en la noche, que hasta el dia de hoy, la sigo tomando!!(medicina alternativa) que no se contrapone para nada en el tratamiento de inmunosupresores para mi transplante renal de 37 años.
Otra ayuda es la alimentacion, soy media vegetariana porque como solo carnes blancas, pollo y pescado pero si muchas verduras y frutas, es mas, ahora en mi reciente post, solicite listado de comidas que no tengan proteinas, esto tambien te ayudara!
Muchas bendiciones para ti y estamos en contacto, Chicho, Chile

Muchas gracias a donde puedo encontrar ese aceite ?????

Coal es tu percentage de tu riñon
Hola Jennifer24, en Chile lo encuentras en cualquier tienda que vendan alimentos naturales, me imagino que en Estados Unidos, con mayor razon!!!
Busca via internet, que es otra posibilidad, aceite de coco extra virgen, tambien lo puedes comprar en linea!!
No te entiendo, el asunto del carbon?? en mi riñon transplantado. Explicame un poco mas, por favor.
Que tengas una linda semana, Chicho
Hola Jennifer24, lo del carbon.....te refieres a un calculo renal??. Fui operada en el año 1995 de un calculo en mi riñon transplantado y, se soluciono todo!!!, felizmente no he vuelto a tener ese tipo de problema.