Amazingly good news...: Hi Dear friends... - Early CKD Support

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Amazingly good news...

bellefrank profile image
17 Replies

Hi Dear friends... sorry I have not been in touch as frequently as I wished but so much has happened... 2 years ago I had dreadful sciatica and eventually found a wonderful neuro-surgeon who did a microdiscectomy operation for L5/S1 nerve compression. Last April the sciatica returned, not too bad, went on holiday to Spain and sadly fell in the hotel bathroom fracturing my right wrist and not doing my sciatica any good. Arrived home had an MRI scan on a Saturday, saw the same neuro-surgeon on the Monday and it was a recurrence so had revision microdiscectomy the following Friday complete with arm in a royal blue plaster cast which matched the theatre staff perfectly. The surgery was a great success and I am pain free. The cast on my arm has also been removed so just physio. to get it mobile once more....Now here is the amazing news. 12 months ago when my husbands egfr was 27 and we first saw the nephrologist he said I am aiming to raise this level to 45....Last Friday a beaming nephrologist announced your kidney function is now 45....All bio-chemical results are within normal levels he is pain free, active and living a normal life...All this has been achieved without any dietary restriction simply all things in moderation..His medication for improving kidney function is.... sodium bi-carb. capsules, allopurinol to keep away the dreaded gout, calchichew calcium tablets. I guess he is fortunate not being diabetic, not having high blood pressure or being overweight. Hopefully we will both remain pain free. So many people on this forum said kidney function can improve and now we have to agree. So we will go on with .....all things in moderation. Really hope dear friends you all stay well and have the same good news even if it takes a year or more to happen. God bless you all. Love Belle xx

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bellefrank profile image
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17 Replies
rabbit01 profile image

I am so pleased for you and Frank. His kidney function increase is fantastic news. I hope you get full mobility back in your arm after the physio. Take care and best wishes to both of you.

bellefrank profile image
bellefrank in reply to rabbit01

Thank-you so much Warren....Please keep well. Look forward to hearing better news from you soon. I am still on a high....I would be so happy to pass this feeling on to you... Love Belle x

Stevo99 profile image

Great news I wish you both well


bellefrank profile image
bellefrank in reply to Stevo99

Thank-you so much....hopefully the magic will come to you also. Its a great feeling. The nephrologist asked are you managing as Belle is not able to look after you at present... His answer... I have 3 little blondes helping us both... So true but now he is back to just one little blonde yours truly. ha ha. Keep well. Love Belle x

Bunkin profile image

Thay is amazing news! So happy for you. I'm sure hoping to do the same thing!! Prayers for your family. God can do snything😀

bellefrank profile image
bellefrank in reply to Bunkin

Thank-you Bunkin... I am sure with Gods help your prayers and hopes will be answered.....Will pray for you also and all you love. God Bless. love Belle x

curleytop1 profile image

Hallo Bellefrank, Thank you so much for your kind reply, nice to know people care. I am delighted to read the good news about you both, especially husband Frank. Have been under the impression egfr could not be raised, but at best be kept stable. It is a real shame that you had such a nasty fall while on your Spanish holiday, but now you are pain free and assuming Frank is feeling a bit better, perhaps you can both begin to enjoy life once more...

Best wishes, Curleytop1.

nonie2147 profile image


bellefrank profile image

Hi curleytop and Nonie....All going well here, thanks be to God. We have decided to try and finish our last holiday with a smile meeting up again with friends late September. The nephrologist told us from day 1 that egfr can indeed increase, it was a question of finding the reason it was so low. In Franks case he made a graph going back 5 years through hospital and GP records and decided when he had an infection or inflammation his kidneys took a big hit..... On recovery his kidneys repaired themselves to some degree. It was then a question of keeping better hydrated and trying to avoid infection. Frank did suffer the most horrendous bouts of gout and although allopurinol is known to be bad for kidneys it was certainly the lesser of the 2 evils. Frank being pain free makes us both happy and able to enjoy so much more the good things in life remembering the nephrologists words.... i.e. all things in fortunate it has worked for us.... We thank-you all for the replies and wish you good health which brings an appreciation of all you love and a desire to somehow bring hope and optimism for the future. Thinking of you, with love Belle x

goldenboy12345 profile image

Wow thats great news, how did you manage to raise it to 45, I would love to be able to do this, mine is at 13 now any advice on how to raise it would be appreciated, Im happy to try anything. Im so happy for you. Im worried sick mine is slowing going down. Love Sue

bellefrank profile image

Hi Sue....Really wish I had the answer for you, I was worried a year ago when Franks slide seemed quite dramatic it was 45 and every month down and down until at 27 our GP sent him to a nephrologist. He is a great guy, very positive in his approach saying remember it can go up as well as down and my aim is for 45 over a period of a year. We were so surprised when the magic number happened just short of a year. Frank drinks more water than he did before, but not to excess as too much makes him vomit. Apart from sodium bi-carb 3 times a day and calchichew tablets also 3 times a day as his calcium was low and 300mg allopurinol which prevents his arthritic gout attacks, that is it...His diet is the same as mine i.e. all things in moderation but no actual restriction....Maybe his laid back personality helps him, it sometimes drives me mad (I am the worrier} His haemoglobin was 101 and now 123....I do give him extra green vegetables including spinach when available, ( I hate it unless its covered in a tasty white sauce} Are you under the care of a nephrologist ? If so what does he say, is he helpful ? I have heard some not so good reports from friends out of our area regarding their renal specialist and wish I were able to send them to our guy.. I wish you all the luck in the world, dearly love to hear you are improving, please stay in touch. Love Belle x ps. Some years ago my cousin had very serious kidney failure, there were no dialysis machines in her area she seemed to be doomed. A year later her kidneys somehow were healed and from then on led an active happy life.... I thought about Nancy so much over this past year...and remembering I think gave me hope and courage and optimism. x

nonie2147 profile image


bellefrank profile image

Our wonderful GP always ends our telephone conversation with the words....... Love you, God I say the same to you Nonie..... Love you God bless. ...Belle x

Hassmac profile image

Fantastic news, well done to all concerned and thank you for sharing a positive story!

bellefrank profile image
bellefrank in reply to Hassmac

Hi dear friends, sorry not been in touch for a while but do think about you....At present we are doing well....Franks last bloods showed a drop in egfr from 45 to 37 but nephrologist said no need to worry in happens!!...It made me a few days prior to the bloods he had a painful hand, slightly swollen and put it down to arthritis... Fortunately it settled down within a week but think maybe that was the cause...The nephrologist is a really great guy loves texting and even when we are away on holiday enjoys hearing from us. I sent him a text and he replied I was probably right as over the last 5 years infection has given his kidneys a big hit. Frank is having more bloods done next Tuesday and seeing the nephrologist next Friday. Hopefully the results will not be any worse but rather better. Will be in touch. Keep well, be happy, make the most of each day. love you God bless Belle x

Hassmac profile image
Hassmac in reply to bellefrank

Hi Bellefrank, something I have learned over the last few years (I had a kidney transplant 14 years ago) is that certain infections can affect the kidney function and when I had shingles, mine certainly took a hit. If you are very careful about your health and get advice early, you might be able to minimize the damage. Hopefully the gfr will come back up. All the best and I agree, make the most of each day, keep smiling :)

bellefrank profile image
bellefrank in reply to Hassmac

Thanks Hassmac.....I am a bit of a mother hen trying to keep Frank free of infection. At least the family know not to visit if unsure. Yesterday son and grand-daughter were going to call to see us but grand-daughter rang to say dad very unwell so it was cancelled. Spoken on the phone to-day and he saw his GP who gave him strong anti-biotics for a really bad chest infection so good decision. To-morrow bloods, see nephrologist Friday so hoping for a good result. Love Belle x

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