I have traveled the long road for many years, and just Tuesday, may be a "breakthrough!"
I was referred to a neurologist specializing in botox treatment for headaches. What a wonderful find!
I have been suffering on and off with muscle tightness over many years. I had to give up my profession of seamstress of 26 years with a shoulder pain that never responded to physical therapy treatments. I was a business owner closing up shop, not to retire, but because of unrelenting tightness at the age of 51. Pain won.
So after my carpal tunnel release 2 years ago...no, 3 years now, I've managed to isolate the pain to my neck. Not sewing, relieved my shoulder. (Do you know, it comes back if I try to sew?!)
Tuesday I heard the most beautiful words from the Neurologist. "I think I know what's going on here."
I was shocked & amazed!
Another puzzle piece in place!
She handed me an information pack on cervical dystonia and information on botox. I was given information and a list of support groups! WOW! A was encouraged to learn & find support!! (another first!!!)
I was just handed a key. A way out!
I sent her a message of gratitude the very next day. I explained that for over a year I've been trying to convince myself that it was an anxiety disorder. All the specialists for my neck (and they were adding up quickly) spent much time convincing me it was anxiety. So I thanked this kind doctor for saving my mental health. Half the battle has now been won. It restored my mental health!
Now my questions.
*With the neck, would it be true that any tremor or muscle spasm would be more felt by me than viewed by others?
I feel like someone has a cord pulling back on the front of my neck at times. My eyes have a lot of pressure behind them and I just want to close them a bit. And my hearing sometimes closes in and I can't hear well. I had sudden hearing loss in one ear last year (base tones.) The neurologist is curious if botox may restore my hearing...
*Has anyone experienced chest pain with this?
*Can it move to different parts of the body?
Almost 2 tears ago I went to a urologist for what I thought was UTI. Well it was a pelvic floor disorder. My pelvic floor was too tight! So tight, my body wan't releasing urine and acted just like a UTI. I was sent to therapy to learn muscle release and relaxation. And would you know, it worked!!
Looking back, pieces are fitting together, and I can move forward. It sure helps when you know what you're fighting!
*Any advice for my neck? Everything , and I mean everything, is aggravated! My problem is my neck is being pulled down. It is most unhappy when I try to "straighten" my spine and "put the curve back" in my neck. A therapist was working most patiently with me to "correct my posture" and all the while my body was in protest. I'm still trying to figure out how neck pain therapy sent me to the ER multiple times this year with chest pain?!
*Can anyone relate?