Hi. I’m new to the forum. My husband was recently started on daily insulin. The nurse made no mention of informing DVLA re.: his license. He’s only been on it 1 month. It mentions online you don’t inform them if trialling for 3 months. Would that be why she hasn’t mentioned it? If he’s remaining on insulin, how long does it roughly take for them to issue new restricted license, as I assume he can’t drive whilst waiting on new license? He’s getting really stressed about it, as he needs to drive for work which is 10 miles through country roads, and poor public transport to get to work.
Newly started on insulin…. What are ... - Diabetes Research...
Newly started on insulin…. What are the DVLA rules?

After the 3 months or earlier if it is confirmed he will remain on insulin (which is likely) then inform the DVLA Medical Branch, he can continue to drive whilst being assessed unless his doctor advises against it.
He will be sent some forms including a questionnaire and they may contact your GP after he has given permission. All this takes months but in the interim his current licence remains valid. I believe it is a bit of a legal grey area if a doctor advises not to drive but the DVLA process is incomplete.
I would caveat that it's been about 2 years since my 3 year medically restricted licence was renewed and I'm not sure about HGV/PSV or C1
Sorry I spoke

yes he’s familiar with all the rules re testing, as he’s been on tablets for several years. It is just the situation re starting insulin and informing dvla that he’s unclear on. He’s been on it a month, but nurse didn’t discuss license, so he’s unsure if he’s covered for the first 3 months when trials are mentioned.
I think the nurse is wrong, unless he has been specifically told by his doctor not to drive.