Here's the update on the sensors for this week. Hopefully, this won't be very long this time.
When I was done with breakfast on the 13th, my sensor from May 6th started not working the correct way and kept giving sensor error at different times of the day and parts of the evening. When I was done with my dinner, I had called to get a free new replacement and was told that the new free sensor will be here between 3-5 business days. I'm hoping that this one and the one on its way works better than the last one I removed. I'll let you know if things change.
So far, this newest sensor has been pretty good today, but I won't hold my breath because it's one of the same lot numbers/serial numbers that didn't work that well before a few months ago. Not too sure how that works, but it's always a toss up.
Well, I have to get ready for dinner here, so I will check in again tomorrow. Have a good night and stay safe, happy and healthy!