Hi and good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. This is the update on how the old sensor had done for the last 10 days.
To start with, last week went okay. Not too many issues, but there was a few hiccups here and there in the first few days. I couldn't believe it, but that's what was going on at the time.
The second week, I was not too sure if it would last the entire time since there were odd readings here and there. Also, at one point, the receiver said I was HIGH> when there wasn't any reason for that result. I ate the same food that I always ate before bedtime for a snack. It usually doesn't go that high after eating my bedtime snack. That finally settled down by the morning hours the next day.
Last night and this morning, the receiver kept alarming. Most of the alarms that went off were because of No Readings Alert. It went off before going to bed last night twice and the first time this morning at 2:30 am (I was asleep and never heard it alarming). The second alarm this morning went off at 5:30 and I woke up to that one, but ended up going back to sleep after doing a test on my monitor that is kept on my nightstand in the night in case I need an emergency test. When I did my test, it was 228 mg/dl at the time.
After breakfast, I had decided it was time to change the sensor after my day had gotten started. So, while I'm typing this posting, I'm also going through the 2 hour warmup period for the new sensor. I had inserted it before talking to Tech. Support about getting a free new sensor to be replaced and also suggest that they do something for when people are sound asleep and don't hear any alarms going off. The Tech. Support Rep. said she'd give my recommendation about having a sound button/choice for sleeping hours and that will make sure the patient does wake up and not sleep through anything because they didn't hear the receiver going off.
Well, this is all for right now. Watch this space for more updates to come soon! Stay safe, happy and healthy!