Hi everyone. Here's an update about the sensor that had been inserted on October 30th.
To start with, last night wasn't a good night for sleeping. Starting around 12 am/midnight, I kept getting woken up by different alarms going off on the receiver. The numbers hadn't been close to each other for most of the day, so there was a lot of testing and recalibrations being done during the night and before lunch time.
The picture included on the posting is what my number was after breakfast and was not accurate at all. At the time, my actual number when testing was 160 mg/dl. This same number was after lunch today when the numbers hadn't been showing on the receiver and I had to finally call to get a free new sensor along with making a complaint about what has been going on all day. The Rep. on the phone said that the new sensor should be here between 3-7days. I hope he's right. Last time I had been told this, I had to call them back and see what had happened.
More to come soon. Watch this page for more updates! Stay safe, happy and healthy!