Well, I had another great week with the sensor that was removed today. There were hardly any glitches/hiccups to speak of. The only time I can think of anything going wrong was once before bedtime, but it came back after missing 5 minutes with no data showing. Pretty good considering there's always issues starting on Thursdays each week.
The old sensor lasted to the very end for today! I'm really happy about it since I had a lot of other things I had to do this morning (I had to call DEXCOM and get help with the app and a new phone I have here). I learned something very important. Whenever you have a NEW DEVICE/PHONE, ALWAYS UNINSTALL IT FROM YOUR OLD PHONE/DEVICE AND THEN REINSTALL IT ON THE NEW ONE. This way, the app will let you pair the receiver and phone together with no problems. This was my mistake when I tried more than 3 times before calling for the Tech. Support to help.
I'm waiting for the warm up period to end while I'm typing this. It has some more time, so I will see what happens around 3:08 pm today. The calibrations have to be done around that time.