I’m going to do research on toncils. I have not got a problem, but I hope I can help.
Am off to Uni tomorow: I’m going to do... - Diabetes Research...
Am off to Uni tomorow

Hi, That sounds interesting. Is there a reason for this research? Is this a short course or what? Let us know how you get on.
Hi again. The Heading of introduction on your post said TONSILS, but here it's TOENAILS! Can You rectify this error and confirm which you are researching? Please put my mind at rest as my mind is boggling!
Tonsils. RR When I was young I had tonsillitis, Its a right pain.
Good luck in your venture. As a child I had numerous bouts of tonsillitis and was off school a lot. It was customary to have your tonsils removed in the fifties but my mother, a nurse disagreed. She felt the tonsils heĺd back a lot of viruses and bacteria so I never had mine out. I grew out of these infections as she thought. Because of my experience I would love to hear your thoughts and of course will be interested thowo hear how you get on with your research.
Hi RR. Life had changed a bit. You must be a similar age to me. I can remember when at School there was some kids getting tonsils out. Like you I did not. Not much probs since & pleased.
Thank you RR ! I really had an excellent day at a local uni yesterday. Some very nice NHS staff inc . Boffins & normal people like me. Terminology was a bit heavy at times but we all understood. Natima trial. A nationwide Trial ?
Is this a long term trial ? What do you have to do?
Next meeting is in May next year. We listen to what has been done on trials, approve, or say what we think of the way things are happening as members of the public. A good bunch of people who are doing a good job I hope.
How lovely to be able to play a part in something so important. Is it linked to lung disease or a number of ailments? I assume it's run by the university. Very interesting I'd enjoy being involved in something similar.
I am next week talking to Nurses in there 2nd year of training at another uni. I will be talking about Diabetes & Heart probs. I am a "Patient Leader" trained by NHS. I like getting involved, (a little mad)
That's great to hear. Can you post about that when you get back from the talk about Diabetes and Heart Problems?
Try & stop me ?
Go for it!
I'm going out tonight for dinner and then some dancing. I'll be back when I can (if I'm not too tired). How's the evening so far?
Enjoy please. Your allowed to let your hair down, as they say in the UK. I is stopping in, There was no Football for my son today (water logged pitch). He was playing Rugby for the school on thurs & done his ribs in. KIDS !
No, not mad, just interested in life in General. I haven't heard of a patient leader before, but it's an excellent idea. Who better to talk about a specific disease but a person who suffers with it. Well done for doing a good job while keeping yourself informed.
Hi RR. A "Patient Leader" is someone who is trained by NHS as a type of mediator between patients & medical staff. I have been in & out of so many Hosps & think I know which Drs & Nurses are doing there best. I know it can be a very hard job looking after some people when unwell . I am Self- employed & know the value of good service etc. Patience at times ?
Hi again, I assume if someone (a patient) needs support when attending hospital, you are able to accompany them. There are times when I see a consultant I cannot take in everything he says in one visit. There is always questions I forget to ask. I bet there are many people who who would be so grateful for this kind of support. As you do regular training you are also very informed. Keep up the good work Hobieone!
I certainly would help someone if I needed to. Your head is in a different place at a time like that ? Its tough at the top.
Lovely to talk to you. Stay in touch.
I am off to another uni tomorrow to talk to 2nd year Nurses. (not brand new ones ?) . Questions will be asked ? I am on the Diabetes India group, as well. The best question I have been asked is "How many carbs in a chapatti" ? It tells you on the packet in the UK.
Let me know how you get on. Maybe another corker of a question?
It's different depending on the size/amount of the chapatti. Most times, I suggest that the chapattis be cut In half to cut down the carb. count and also save the other half for another meal/snack.
This fella was making them himself. So no standard at all ? A test do you think.. A handful of that & a pinch of that
No. Some of the members of the group get them from different places locally.
Exactly. in a village in India ? I could not tell him could I.
Yes, in India. Some chapattis are smaller than other ones. Smaller chapattis— depending on the carbs., can be eaten in one sitting. Bigger ones can be cut in half and saved for a later snack/meal.