Hello, I am new to this website and I've recently conceded that I need support. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes seven years ago. 23 years ago however, I noticed a problem in my legs as they lost feeling overtime to the point where they are almost entirely numb. I can still discern between hot and cold temperatures but I cannot feel a breeze on my legs or feel skin contact. When I pinch the skin on my legs, I cannot feel it very well either. I cannot discern between textile sensation, different fabrics or textures, for example. Can this problem be reversed and regain full sensation in my legs? Thank you.
Neuropathy hope: Hello, I am new to... - Diabetes Research...
Neuropathy hope

Hi and welcome to the group.
Have you talked with your doctor about this issue? When was your last appointment? What are your blood sugars during the day and evening hours? What was your last A1c? Do you eat a low carb high fat or low carb high protein diet? Are you allergic to anything food or medication wise?
My blood sugars are fine now, it's as though it has gone into remission and my diet is perfect, I am also physically active due to my job. I talked to my doctor but it's as though he doesn't want anything to do with it and that from his perspective, it'll never be rectified. I think that there has been damage done as opposed to an ongoing issue that's causing it. So with that ruled out, I'm asking if there are any treatments that can reverse this damage done.
Would you be willing to get a second opinion from another doctor?
I have actually and none of them want to know, they've given me no hope at all.
Please check out the free leaflets on the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation's website. You can download/read and/or listen to them anytime.
There's one dealing with Diabetes and Foot issues.