I have to purchase Diabetes Testing Machine please suggest me which is the best in the market?
Re. Diabetes Test Machine: I have to... - Diabetes Research...
Re. Diabetes Test Machine

Hi vk_123 ,
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The testing monitor that I use is the Breeze2, by Bayer. I have used it for 10+yrs. and it has strips that are in a wheel instead of a can for storage. Each wheel has 10 strips and I usually have to change the wheels every 2 days. I test about 6-7 times a day because I also use the DEXCOM CGM system and that uses two tests for calibration each time I use a new sensor. I also have to calibrate twice a day unless the DEXCOM is very off and then I test even more than 7 times. The Breeze2 is very helpful if a person has visual issues and can't handle strips that are not in a wheel. Which monitor does your Endocrinologist suggest?
One Touch Ultra Mini - Compact - fast results - one small drop. I had it for years.
Have you been diagnosed with Diabetes and which type? If you're type 1 then you can get a blood monitoring meter from your GP and prescriptions for the test strips and lancets. If you are type 2 you can ask your GP for the equipment and see if he/she will prescribe all the testing stuff. I was told I have type 2 but I refused tablets until my GP gave me the testing equipment so I could monitor everything properly as I suspected I had hypos. He argued that type 2 diabetics don't have hypos and I argued that I did because I didn't believe I was type 2 and I had all the symptoms of a type 1 hypo at work and the first aider had to come to my rescue. I got my testing equipment on prescription.
Good luck.
TT x

How much do the system cost, Hidden ?

Thanks, anup. I might have to look into getting a new monitor/system in a few months depending on what happens.
I use the AccuChek mobile. I find it very easy to use. The replacement cassettes aren't cheap though and as I was diagnosed with T2 I have to pay for them myself.
I am no longer T2 - I followed Dr Cavan's LCHF diet and I've totally changed my diet and lifestyle but I still check my blood a couple of times every day to make sure I'm on the right track.