I've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 5 days back. I'm 31 yrs. old. My fbs is 130 and the A1c is 7.2. I have severe urination now. How do I control this? i'm very worried. Please help.
frequent urination: I've been diagnosed... - Diabetes Research...
frequent urination

Hi sabiqismail ,
Welcome to the group. Please feel free to continue to post postings and questions, comments on the other Member's posts, taking the polls and meeting the rest of the members.
As for your question about severe urination, has your Endocrinologist been told about the issue? When was the last appointment with him/her? Were you told you were type 2 in the office or over the phone? What does he/she want your numbers to be between (100-200)? Have you been drinking more water than usual? If your blood sugars are higher, then the person may drink more water and need the restroom more frequently.
Hi Activity2004 in response to your reply to sabiqismail 's question about frequent urination it has become the bane of my life.
You asked about the endocrinologist - who is that? I've never seen one .
I was told I had Type 2 after an HbA1c test scored 51 mmol,/rnol (20 - 42) and was put on Metformin 4 x 500mg reduced after 12 months to 2 x 500mg per day.
I have no idea what the numbers "between (100-200)?" means as I have no way of testing blood sugar.
I do not drink a lot nor have I increased the amount of water.
I'm a 75 year old male who's scared to be too far away from a toilet.
Do you have any further suggestions or advice please?
no sir.im really scared..i was leading a happy life.but since 5 days im having horrible life..im just 32..my kid is just 4..and my wife is pregnant..if something happen to me..my family cant survive..
An Endocrinologist is also another word for Consultants, clivealive .
100-200 is a range of blood sugars a person can be at depending upon the person. Sorry for the confusion. I was really tired last night!
Thanks Activity2004 I've not seen a "consultant" either and as I said I have no means to test or anyone in the practice to ask. When I did ask the nurse who gives me my monthly B12 injections she said "I don't do diabetes"
Clivealive - Your frequent urination could be down to other things so I would go back and see your GP to check your prostate (unless you have already done so).
It may be also that you need to get your diabetes checked again and see if your levels have risen. As a type 2 (like me) we don't usually need to test often (if at all) but any unusual sypmptoms should be checked by your GP/Diabetic nurse.
Hi and thanks ceejayblue
My latest HbA1c test (on 22nd August) was "Stable @ 44".
I had further blood tests last Monday for Prostate cancer and Vitamin D.
I received a telephone call from the surgery's receptionist (on my doctor's instructions) on Wednesday to say that my Vitamin D was low and to start taking 800 units a day for three months - this for the second time this year.
As there was no mention of the prostate results I presume there is nothing to say.
My "bladder weakness" may well pre-date my diabetes by ten years going back to when I was in Harefield Hospital for a lung biopsy and whilst I was "plugged into" a pleural drain afterwards staff repeatedly "neglected" to bring a bottle when I requested.
When one eventually arrived it was made of cardboard, I continually filled it until it burst and it leaked all over the floor.
Still being hooked up to the drain I was unable to walk to the toilet and by then I was finding it difficult to pass water for holding it in for so long.
The pain got so bad that one night I implored the night staff to get me a bottle which when it arrived I was unable to pass water - until they threatened to fit a catheter... The flood at the time of Noah comes to mind.
I've never been the same since and it does seem to have got worse since the diabetes. I've tried Boots' over the counter Urostemol Men Capsules but two courses of them made no improvement, plus they are expensive.
I just hope that when I see my doctor tomorrow about the Vit D and Prostate results she will come up with some ideas.
When one's Blood Sugar level exceed the Renal threshold (Kidney's filter limit) kidney produces more urine to flush out excess Glucose. This will lead to drinking more water in turn.
Solution is to bring down BS level down to the normal range.
Strict medication or following the Long Wheat Mash Diet Regimen (LWMDR) can do the job.
Thanks ShooterGeorge for your suggestions
I have no means of testing blood sugar levels, have type 2 diabetes and on 2 x 500mg of Metformin per day and am told I "don't need to test" - I don't know why that is.
I don't suffer from thirst and nor do I drink a lot of fluids. I eat oats for breakfast and supper with other cereals, a home made soup with potatoes and a quarter of a tin of baked beans & tomato soup, together with a wholemeal bread sandwich of Marmite or peanut butter, or cream cheese, or tuna or mackerel for lunch and a usual evening meal of meat, potato, gravy and two veg and never have a pudding. A dietitian approved my diet which is virtually the same every day.
I use a (power assisted) exercise bike for 20 minutes a day, I'm six feet four inches tall, weigh twelve and a half stones and I'm a 75 year old male with Pernicious Anaemia which I've had for 45 years.
My latest HbA1c test (on 22nd August) was "Stable @ 44".
Thanks @clivealive,
I don't understand many of the things you wrote.
You, said, have type 2 diabetes, taking tabs for that and are told "don't need to test"!!!
Your Potatoes and bread are sufficient to keep you diabetic for life and probably worsen it even without pudding.
HbA1c "Stable @44" - what is this 44, what are the upper & lower limits of it?
Which is the country you live in?
Don't worry ShooterGeorge I don't understand any of it either.
I have no means of testing my blood sugar and when I asked the doctor she said I didn't need to.
The potatoes I have are very small ones in their skins and the bread I eat is wholemeal or granary. Oh and I eat oats for breakfast and supper.
The HbA1c range is between 48 and 80Mmol/mol , the best levels are between 48 - 58 and mine is 44. Don't ask me what it means as I don't know.
I live in the UK.
Hi sabiqismail I was diagnosed Type 2 eighteen months ago and also have the same problem in as much that I'm scared to go out of the comfort zone of being near a toilet and fear going on a journey anywhere.
It is most debilitating.
I have mentioned it to both nurse (I have P.A. and am on regular B12 injections) and my doctor (at my diabetes annual review clinic) but she made no suggestion about what can be done about it - so I guess I just have to live with it.
I like what Rwykua and many others advice, How do you go to the food store? Join Amazon and buy male diapers to make yourself more secure in public. You may find walking to get exercise will balance out your meals.
Best Wishes.
Dear Clivealive
Unfortunately , to day there is so much of antagonism against homeopathy . But it has got it''s own merits . Whether you believe the efficacy or not take this medicine ''Natrum mur '' in 200 potency 2 pills once in a week for 6 weeks . It does not have any side effects . Many times when a patient is in serious need , I suggest homeopathic medicines with the consent of the attending doctors . Sometimes the doctors just give a contemptuous look or funny look and give permission .You will get rid of the problem with astounding results . You can continue the medicines given by your medical specialists.Diabetes is not a disease but disorder in the body and the modern medicine tries to cure the symptoms with out attending to the root cause .Even I have to take up all the other details before suggesting any medicine . But excess urination is a symptom which is really painful and so I am suggesting this .My father suffered with the same though he was not diabetic and modern medicine does not have medicine . They said it was due to prostrate gland problem and suggested operation for the same . ANY WAY it does not have any side effects and very safe .There is one more medicine WHICH is specific for prostrate gland problem but I think this medicine would give much needed relief .

Thanks for the advice Hidden . Would ''Natrum mur '' be available over the counter at Holland & Barrett?
Once I got some medicine across the counter in Uk. But that was long back . Ask your doctor to get it for you . Since they think that it is mere sugar pills or water , they should not have any objection .
This is very normal and one of the main symptoms of Diabetes - together with overwhelming thirst. I was exactly the same when I was first diagnosed in 2011.
Make sure that you work closely with your doctor/GP to ensure you have the right meds at the right dosage. Once that's done, the urination will calm down considerably.
Your numbers are quite high at the moment - was a little concerned when I read that your Ac1 was 7.2 - a little too high for my liking. I would urge you to do everything you can to get it down asap.
Try not to worry - it's early days and once you come to terms with things and your meds kick in, things will definitely settle down so try to stay positive and do everything you can to manage your diet, readings and meds.
My Ac1 is down to around 4.5 so it can be done. Wishing you all the best.
thanks ...is it possible that i can stop medication in future once my hbac1 goes down...
Reduce the food intake to one half and take coffee with less sugar, thin watery butter milk, a fistful of peanuts when you feel hungry . But in actual experience though you feel hungry and listless in the initial period of lesser intake, after some time the body gets used to the routine and you don't need more food . Usually more and more food intake is just a habit and the body does not require that quantity after some time.
No doubt diabetes is a horrible thing to happen to any one . But after some time you come to terms with it . A good schedule of nutrient calorie limited food intake , coupled with reasonable amount of exercise and good sleep of 6 hours , will definitely ferries you out of the danger. Gymnema is said to be even regenerating burnt out beta cells .Don't get depressed going by the stories of some that it is irreversible . A strong determination and continuous monitoring with proper diet and exercise, one can come out with success.
When one's Blood Sugar level exceed the Renal threshold (Kidney's filter limit) kidney produces more urine to flush out excess Glucose. This will lead to drinking more water in turn.
Solution is to bring down BS level down to the normal range.
Strict medication or following the LWMDR csn do the job.
Hi sabiqismail,
Firs of all don't worry calm down and cut down your tea/coffee intake that will help you in your frequent urination. Tea/Coffee contains caffeine which is responsible for frequency in urination as it is diuretic. If you take Tea/Coffee take it without milk. Take care.
Thanks for all your support...now im getting normal...free from frequent urination.i started 1 hr jogging..strict diet..and 500mg metformin..

Have a look at the leaflets on the DRWF website drwf.org.uk/diabetes-leaflets