Hi All
I am seven months down the line from being diagnosed with Diabetes type 2. Initially it was a great shock and I listened to the nurse and followed her recommendations. Since then my blood sugar level has halved. Now I find complacency being to take hold, I am not down at the level required with my blood sugar and find that the magnitude of the condition is/has faded.
Other forums I have been on focus on self testing, my nurse does not reccomend this as the levels will be going up and down and anyway (she says) the results are not reliable. So I find the way I find that my controlling is working is when I have a blood test at the doctors!
I consider myself out of control as I cannot monitor what certain foods do or don't do to me. I have considered rejecting their advise of not testing and buying my own. But one little niggle is stopping me and that is if I really needed to monitor surely I would have been offered one? I dislike doing things regarding my health without the at least consent of my doctors, after all we pay a lot of money for their advice so why not take it?
I have to admit though I am a worrier (hence depression) but still I think I should have more control?
Anyone else got opinions?