First time message to the AA: hey, happy new year... - Drink Free

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First time message to the AA

15 Replies

hey, happy new year to all.

so on New Year’s Day I had all good intentions. I did drink less than other nights out. however, I defo didn’t stick to the restrictions I gave myself.

anyway, I messaged the AA today. Massive leap for me as I’ve been dreading talking with them for years to be honest. After using their site to see if I ‘need’ the service, the answers to their questions would suggest no (their words)!

however, I could use the service to dig deeper into the reasons why I drink. Hopefully my therapist will be able to help with that more and from connecting and dealing with ‘reasons’ why i drink, I can hopefully move forward positively and a steady pace. 😃

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15 Replies
SoberDrunk1 profile image

The 12 steps can really help you. The powerlessness and un-managaeability of step one is key. Its not about drinking lot of alcohol and our life is falling apart. The book talks about why we drink? We drink basically for the effect produced by alcohol. And if we cant experience it when we stop, we are at un-ease. The state of being restless irritable and discontented. You can add other forms of un-manageability. Thats when our mind becomes weak willed. It starts playing tantrums. And then comes up with some silly reason why you deserve a drink now. And then when we succumb to that desire, the craving kicks in. Thats when you probably thought you will just have a glass of wine or a 16 oz beer but it turns into a bottle or a sx pack or more. Its the vicious cycle. The car salesman story, the accountant story in the chapter more about alcoholism is there to illustrate this peculiar mental twist that precedes a spree.

LilyAnnepuppy profile image

I doubt AA would diagnose you as an alcoholic or not. Alcoholism is a self diagnosing disease. I have to admit my powerlessness over alcohol. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. If I meet that requirement I am a member and no one can keep me out.

Try some meetings (in person or on Zoom) and see if you can identify with the information you hear from other alcoholics.

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

are you saying my conversation didn’t happen ? I said …from the questions on the website and answers I have to him, said my drinking from them answers isn’t a problem. We chatted via live chat for about an hour, he suggested to come along and see if I can make use of being there…so no…there was not a direct statement to say I am or am not an alcoholic !

I am working through my own journey so if I feel the need to say ‘ I’m…and I’m an alcoholic’ …I will. Until then I’m just after support, not judgment,not preached at !

SoberDrunk1 profile image

There are 2 main tests to determine if one is an alcoholic. When one honestly want to quit and is unable to (Due to obsession of the mind) and when drinking one has absolutley no control of the amount of liquor they drink, then one probably considered a problem drinker/alcoholic. As for a reason why people drink, its very hard to determine that. It could be simply genetic. There is a short 3 minute video by BBC on Vervet alcoholic monkeys. its on Youtube, you may watch it. You will see 3 distinct drinkers (non). 90 percent avoided alcohol and only 3 percent drank to the drop.

hi moonpig can i ask how much you drink and what im on off with stopping then start again thinking ill be in control sometimes i am but more often than not ill drink a full bottle wine once its opened i had drinks in the house over xmas i never touched until the times i wanted to save them for but this was mainly because im living with my mam she offered me stuff she had like beer and scherry 🤮 but i said no as i dont like scherry at all and not keen on beer, i had none alcoholic mulled wine mixed with red wine 11 peecent this weakend it, i stopped drinking for 3 months twice but my pain and on one of the times bordom during lockdown made me drink again i just find i best not have any ir anymore than i want to drink in how are you getting on now best wishes 🤗🌟

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hi thanks for your message and sharing your experience. I was drinking …35cl a day for 2 days, 1 day off then 35cl for 2 days. Or …3 out of 4 glasses of wine or…3 cans of strong longer or cider …

But since before Xmas and speaking on this platform I have become more conscious. Just offloading has helped me to think about why I drink and what is a problem and what isn’t!

I think I’m doing well…I drank 4% mulled wine topped up with coke at Xmas yes red wine and coke is a thing lol, like you though…I can drink a bottle of wine because I won’t want that last glass be wasted…which is silly! I can though have a full litre or 70cl bottle of spirits lying about but not drink past half…I do believe that the none alco beers will help …but also that conscious thinking with hopefully support, not preaching.

Can I ask… what makes you reach for drink for pain ect…and not other sources…

I know exactly some of the reasons I drink, which I will deal in time.


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hi i did 2 weeks before xmas as decided to stop after a binge but i was in agony like toothache its trigiminal nuralgia, i tried to get co codimol yes there adfictive but thought id have them now n then, but cant get any hoping to find a chemist in town monday and i had arranged a xmas tea in a pub with a friend i thpught well ill be drinking then anyway so i postponed my stopping drinking i never say for deffo i say for now then see how it goes i find one day at a time is best its too much of a loss to think ill give it up, theres nothing the doctors can do i tried there slow relief meds it made me feel drowset drunk.almost im ok by day as busy but its the nights and cold weather, ive drank when had good news and thought oh ill drink to celebratw ive drank when anxious its been a really rough few yrs dads dementia the old folks home him dying mams 2 heart attacks rats in my house unsolved broken nebours drain for over a year, lockdown during all this 🙄i feel more mysrlf now living at mams house really helped me control it and selling my house releaved that burden and expense, i still am anxious tho about mams health and her dying but im starting swimming again that helped me before, if your been healthy its easier to stay foccused and swimmig helps release the seretonin happy hormone that alcohol does but alcohol makes you feel depressed next day often and i could go on lol oh mulled wine n coke im on none alco mulled wine and pinot gritio now its ok not my cuppa tea lol my fav wine is the weak one liebframilch keep in touch 🤗🌟

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p s why are you called moon pig its full moon tonight incase ypu love looking at the moon as i do 🌝

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hi again, and thankyou for being so honest and open. These are the conversations I was hoping for on this site. …not grief …but honest accounts of ..what people drink, why they might drink and how as an empathetic group we can help each other on what ever way we can.

Not discounting any advice already given! Just want open conversations about the way we love our lives, so thanks for that! 🥰

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i was on here few years back and there was no one people come and go on here lets hope its more regular with the onrs here now 🤗

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i recognise you your on anxiety site arent you well i just did a moon post on there lol 🌝

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no chick, I not on there, unless I had a browse them commented x

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hey, I’ve no judgement about codine, never mind co codimol. I suffer chronic rhinitis and a painful face everyday of my life. Can’t sleep ect use them now and then, and drink also helps with that. It’s like I have a sinus infection most days!

Anyway.. It must be hard for you to deal with situations at the moment, and I am same as you…drank for all eventualities. But it’s ingrained in me!

Activities really do help…I do canoeing, ramblers club and really trying to do fitness classes …but can’t keep to routine because of childcare.

Moonpig…now that’s my secret lol …how did you pick twinkle star? I’m looking out for that moon as we speak 😄

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hi sorry ive only just seen this reply off you, yes i picked twinkly star lol as its venus the twinklyest star and close to the moon i often look out and kinda prey to the universe for help n guidance and strength, i just replied to your latest post but thought id check back on this one incase i repeated myself lol yes i did a bit, 😁🌟

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😊 that’s ok. It’s hard to look back on conversations as this app seem to have basic functions.

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