Cerebellar stroke: Hi all, Had a stroke... - Different Strokes

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Cerebellar stroke

maximus31 profile image
15 Replies

Hi all,

Had a stroke Feb 2018, at the back of the brain ( Cerebellar) . The stroke affected right side . I am learning to write and rehab fine motor skills. Does anyone have any information on emotional and cognitive effects due to Cerebellar stroke?

Fyi stroke was due to APS (Sticky Blood) .

Dave from UK

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maximus31 profile image
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15 Replies
Tucson profile image

Hi I too have Aps and have survived a multitude of strokes both before and after diagnosis. I've had both sides affected, some temporarily and some are here to stay, luckily no emotional or cognitive impairment so far.

maximus31 profile image
maximus31 in reply to Tucson

Hi Tucson, thanks for your reply. There is little information on cerebellar stroke effects .

Tucson profile image
Tucson in reply to maximus31

I googled it yesterday and the information was very vague and non specific. Some people seem very depressed after a stroke, being overwhelmed emotionally and grieving for their loss of self understandable in those badly affected. Tiredness and fatigue seems common to all stroke suffers. I personally had no help at all after my worst stroke so decided I had to get myself out of the mess my body had landed me in. I set about rehabilitating myself by working on the issues I had such as being able to carry a plate without dropping the contents on the floor. I just practiced as much as my body would allow until it started to improve. Walking without kicking the floor with my left foot was a biggie for me and practice has eradicated that unless I'm in a hurry and then it reappears. Spacial awareness on my left hand side was another one that took practice, I kept walking into door frames until I learnt to give them a wide berth. Etc

I think rather than be overwhelmed by what I'd lost I just decided I wasn't going to be beaten and put all my energy into achieving that. Previously I was extremely fit for my age which probably helped a bit but meant my loss was that much greater and I refused to accept that. Today no one ever thinks I've had a stroke let alone several, I know the physical problems are there but I hide them well, it's just frustrating that I can't overcome them completely.

Maybe if you included some of the specific issues you're dealing with you'll get more helpful responses.

maximus31 profile image
maximus31 in reply to Tucson

Hi Tucson,

Thanks for your email and your great focus to get better. I had right leg issues , but have improved to 99%. I could not write but I have pushed myself which I can write , but very slow still. Picking up a cup was an issue , but less so now. Arm is still jerky , but I keep on practicing... I will see a councillor to review emotional effect. I understand a stroke is very emotional , however , trying to find out if the cerebellar stroke can actually physically effect emotion

Tucson profile image
Tucson in reply to maximus31

You're doing well considering your stroke was in February. So congratulations on that. I still have some things that won't improve 4 years on but I try not to dwell on them. I can't touch type anymore but I'm fast enough with my two finger typing although I still miss the odd letter or space out and need to go back again. I still can't stand with my weight on my left side without it trembling really badly, so you learn to distribute your weight evenly, it's probably better for me any way. I'd just take all the help I could get whatever it is. It'll soon disappear although different areas obviously have different things in place for you to access. I wish you well.

maximus31 profile image
maximus31 in reply to Tucson

Hi Tucson, thanks for your support and positive outlook. Lets keep on improving. Well done on all your efforts , eventhough its been 4 years , keep on improving :)

moo196 profile image

Morning - hope you are doing well.

I had a CVST in Oct 14 - no idea why !

Best people to help with the things you mention would be headway . They have a section on here. So very helpful and came to see me no end of times at home and at their offices. And the online support from others in a similar situation was invaluable to me.

In addition I would contact /get referral to community neuro rehabteam who also came out to see me several times and explained a lot of things ( and left me with info so I could re read it when I had forgotten).

In the meantime be kind to yourself and keep going ! :-)

maximus31 profile image
maximus31 in reply to moo196

Hi moo196,

Thanks, I have got in touch with stroke org in UK, who referred me to neuro nurse . I am doing rehab, just investigating if cerebellar can effect emotion.

moo196 profile image
moo196 in reply to maximus31

It most likely can affect the things you mention. Obviously headway deal with anything brain.


maximus31 profile image

Hi moo196, i will email Headway to investigate information

lloydyuk profile image

Hi Dave. Strange reading your post as I had a cerebellar Haemorrhage on New Years Day 2013 due to APS which quickly manifested as the dreaded CAPS. I also suffered brain infections, kidney and adrenal haemorrhage which has left me with Addison’s disease...

How are you doing at the moment?


maximus31 profile image

Hi Danny, sorry about Addisons disease. I am doing rehab to improve right hand issues . Testing with neuro nurse to check cognative and memory status. I know I have not addresses emotional issues, now using councillor.

You have gone through the wars. How are you now?


lloydyuk profile image
lloydyuk in reply to maximus31

Thanks, Addison’s is an addition to my collection of weird ailments. Glad to hear you are doing good. My cerebellar stroke was central and messed up my balance massively I couldn’t sit up on a bed for weeks. Okish now. Walk with a stick slow and unstable but I focus on what I can do instead. Life is good overall I see the true value of it now ironically. Go steady

maximus31 profile image

Keep it up and continue to be positive 😀

lloydyuk profile image
lloydyuk in reply to maximus31

Thanks, appreciate that.

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