Worried that I have fluid on the brain, leaking, and this will lead to a possible stroke. Symptoms:- increased intracranial pressure, problems with coordination when walking, nausea. Can anyone advice me on this condition? The likelihood of a stroke and how long would it take for this to occur and what form this will take?
Possible stroke?: Worried that I have... - Different Strokes
Possible stroke?
Lydia, these are questions for a professional, not us.
We are not qualified medical practitioners and can only share our experiences.
If you are that worried you must seek advice as the stress you are experiencing will only add to your fears.
All will be well .
Janet x
Something sounding that serious should only be seen to by a profesional person.
Hospital and a C.T. SCAN May ease your mind.😟😟
Who said you have fluid leaking on the brain, were you told after a ct or Mri? because surely whoever diagnosed you would have given more of an explanation.
It has to be HOSPITAL where there are specialists and all the machines etc to give exact results.
Take care ,best wishes.
I've tried that, previous, but all the tests kept coming back clear. So that doesn't appear to be the solution here. No clue as to what on earth can be happening here..
Sorry 2stroke I don't understand your post, why does it have to be Hospital? Lydia hasn't actually said who has diagnosed her with fluid leaking on her brain or even that she has been diagnosed. So I asked her the question because I don't understand what she is saying.
So you've had a ct and Mri and been told you have fluid leaking on your brain, is that correct?
Ok so you have intracranial pressure, had ct and Mri which showed nothing wrong and yet the symptoms are getting worse. Has your GP referred you to a neurologist for further investigation? I would certainly ask my GP for a referral to a neurologist if you've not already seen one.
Well, actually. Did go see the gp and she checked my reflexes, blood pressure, and eyes. Found nothing. She didn't seem concerned that I needed to see a specialist. Did have a 24 hour monitoring ecg, and again, nothing was found. So scratching my head in bewilderment. The doctors can't seem to figure out why I am having all these symptoms. There was a suggestion that it might be to do with some mental health factors. Not sure...?
I'd still ask to see a neurologist tbh let the experts tell you there's nothing to worry about.
Trouble is all strokes are different, I've had numerous strokes, 3 that I'm aware of and over 30 that show up on Mri's. I've never felt any pain but I'm not typical. Probably the obvious signs are the FAST symptoms, droopy face, unable to raise both arms and keep them raised, trouble speaking, slurring etc. The T is telephone for help. Trouble is you can have none of those symptoms and still have a life changing stroke. I couldn't walk straight, kept banging into the door frames on my left, tried to walk upstairs and kicked every alternate step with my left foot. So my symptoms could have been ignored but I was pretty sure was it was, rang my gp who called me in straight away. Ran a few basic tests and confirmed my thoughts, gave me a letter to take to A&E. Where I was fast tracked and admitted within the hour. So there may be no pain and not all strokes are fatal, even quite catastrophic strokes are usually survivable, depends if it's a bleed or a clot and where it's located in the brain. So stop stressing and get yourself a referral otherwise you'll worry yourself to death.
Glad to be of help, let us know how you get on.