My wife had a Thalmus stroke a few months ago and we are looking for a second opinion. Does anyone know a Neurologist in Manhattan, New Jersey or Philadelphia that specializes in Thalmus strokes?...Thank you
Thalmus Stroke: My wife had a Thalmus... - Different Strokes
Thalmus Stroke

Where r u now, which state, please read my bio by tapping on my pic. I have been in NJ, Ny and Philly. Lastly in Philly at Jefferson and got good neurocare
We live in Southern NJ but are willing to travel to Manhattan or Philadelphia, where ever we can get the best care for a Thalamus Stroke. Any help would be appreciated...Thanks
I did not have this type of stroke but an MCA area stroke which is different, but i do think i got very good, competent care at Jefferson, I am trying to remember the neurologists name for you, i will have to ask my husband. I shall return... while waiting put thalamus in the search box here and see what comes up!
Will do...
Dr Maria Carissa Pineda 900 Walnut St #200
Philadelphia, PA 19107.
215 955-4087 215 955-6488. She also has a website now🥳
Sorry took me so long, i had to look in my old records but worth it if it helps you. Good luck and please let me know how you make out. Cindy
Thanks Cindy. We appreciate your help.
Any new appointments made?
Unfortunately she is not accepting any new patients, we do have an appointment with a neurologist in northern NJ.
Thank you for the help...
Good wishes
Thank you...
Please let me know if they find something different or how it goes-thinking of her🙏🏼
So how did it turn out?
We had a one hour telemed video call with her new doctor at Columbia Presbyterian stroke center. We were very happy with how thorough they were. He wants her to go for an MRA, which is challenging with the pandemic, but we will get it done and depending on the results he may change or add some medications. He has added one medication that he said may help with the symptoms "Neurontin". We just got it and have not tried it yet. Thanks for asking...
My son was at Columbia years ago, not for neuro but an irregular heart rhythm from WPW the arrythmia that causes kids to drop dead on the playing field. The treatment was great. Hopefully you are now in good hands🙏🏼 where you can be comfortable☺️.again best wishes.. hsve wonderful holidays and be well
She is feeling better but we will be going for more tests once we get our COVID Vaccinations. Thank you for asking...