Fp 170mg and PP210 I take diapride forte ... - Diabetes India
Fp 170mg and PP210 I take diapride forte 1-0-1 and insulin 18 and night 12 units . Do i need to change My age is 73
Dear sir, Since 2004 i have diabetic. Now fasting is 146 after regular taking insulin in the night 12units. I am busy travelling 50 kms by scooter perday and work to manage 12 personnel for AMC. But at night i take two pegs large after all works .
I eat ragi ball in the mid day and night chappathis two milk and tabs. keep walking somedays in the park.
It' not always easy to maintain a perfect level , it varies accordind to your food habits & physical work,it's sad that medical science has no real solution for this. body metabolism is different for all individuals & heredity;
since 2004 after my retirement. During my service I have not claimed any medical benifit.My second working cost me lot of service and tension that only got me into diabetic.I am active drive car and scooter.All chores of work i take care. self and wife only are living rest siblings in USA.Digital BP meter and new Drmorpen blood check ihave. morning walk I do thrice in a week.Is it necessary to change the medication I take now not my age sorry.
Thank you Mr. Atulya, I will do the same and inform you. I take ragi ball in the day time then next day the bloodsugar level is 146, hence it mostly related to intake of food which i should regulate also.
since 2004 I was tested aws diabetic. I am active in life and doing work also personnel working under me in electronics at GE,MNC.
Dont sleep in the day.I am a rtied engr,and second innings with tension of work i developed Diabetic and continues.