Is honey harmful for diabetes patient? - Diabetes India
Is honey harmful for diabetes patient?

Thank u Mr. Atulya for the piece of info.
No pure honey is certainly not harmful for diabetes. I am consuming honey everyday 2 tablespoon in morning and 2 tablespoon daily at night before going to sleep. My blood sugar level is not fluctuating. It is stable and no change is noticeable. I sleep very nicely.
But pure it available in the market?
Yes,patanjali honey I found pure did cotton burning test wid it n cmpared wid other results,while others burnt wid crackling sound(wich pure honey shudnt) patanjaliz honey burnt widout ny sound wid cotton n a gud fragrance even aftr burning
it cheaper and dependable if bought from Girijan corporation
Honey is nothing but sugar in liquid form.No doubt it has many health giving ingredients,but it is still sugar,and therefore harmful for a diabetic.
The sugar content in honey is a natural ingredient and according to me it should not give adverse effect on diabetics if is consumed moderately. However an expert doctors' opinion is solicited
i was advised by the doctor not to take honey for diabetes
Honey is very rich in calories. While it does not affect insulin levels, it is certainly not good for diabetics, same as nuts, banana or other high calory stuff. Diabetic diet should be composed of food containing fibres, green stuff, vitamins etc.
Sugar is the major enemy of diabetic patients. So, honey or any other thing which caontains sugar must be avoided.
thanks very good information