I am suffering from neck and calf muscles pain from past Couple of years. Taking neuro medicine like Pregabanyl M but still suffering from pain. I cannot turn head left side fully due to pain. Can not walk due muscles sprain in one leg. Any advice. I got treatment from psychiatrist . Any good advise let me know. I am 70 with diabetic 2. Taking lantus in the night and actrarapid in the morning. Also Istamet 500 gemer 2 mg daily twice as advised by my doctor.
Neck and calf mussles pain: I am suffering... - Diabetes India
Neck and calf mussles pain

Hello, pain in our body due to aging, medication and health conditions are difficult to deal with. More medication may not help.
Simple exercise can help. A hot towel for few minutest followed by bag of ice cubes twice a day can help. If you google RICE, the procedure is explained very well.
I have leg pain, neck pain, both give problems with driving, walking but I have accepted this and do not take any pain medication. I use Indian species a lot in cooking.
Take care.
Thanks for your message. Same thing told by my doctor. He says you are not young. Manage and keep going with your family and grand children.
I am 76, I am a retired engineer, 10 years age I started my journey in learning health problems. Only on one medication for allergy, this allows me to eat with out worrying on what not to eat.
I am enjoying my life with children and grand children. My daughter's children are small, after they come back from nursery all they want is to play in my car, asking questions on what is happening.
I take things slowly, pray to God every day. I try to watch Srirdi Sai Baba daily live broadcast, this makes me happy.
Take care.
Nice to hear and note your advise. I have two sons and one cute grand son one and half years old. I do Pooja for an hour in the morning and spend time in the morning sitting in our balcony everyday. Live happily.
cant advice much here. But as you said you are sitting in balcony for relaxing or some pleasant time. Please make a habit that you do simple Anuloma-Viloma breathing while you sitting in balcony in chair and keep spine straight. fix a timer for 5 min to start (if you not done before this) and every 2 days increase it to 1 min and slowly reach up to at least 15 mins or best 30 mins (IF YOU CAN). by the way do it in empty stomach. early morning is the best time with pure air in balcony.
Trust me, many of usual health issues will be eased out. I might also say that these pains you complain might also be cured.
Thanks I will follow your advise.
Frankly speaking, since i gave you the above reply, i was thinking about your situation, that why was that pain sustaining for long time and without doctors really able to solve it, don't worry about the age. My uncle recently has similar kind of problem, no medication helped much, they put some neck band or whatever its called. later we just remove all such pads etc, very slowly make him to do neck exercises, within 3 days shown improvement and in 1 week all gone.
I know may be at this stage its not possible to start the full extent of exercises. But as someone suggested to do a hot towel warm-up, and then the muscles might be slightly flexible, so try just even if you move a centimeter towards the direction that was said in the steps of exercises, that enough to start with. even there is no pain, every day when i get up and do this exercise (by the way every one has to do this, no need to have a problem to do this exercise) i can hear slight 'click' sound. so it common unless its painful.
Another important thing to consider: its a bit personal to individuals. So not explicitly mentioning. All such kind of long-term health issues inherently linked to some psychological stresses-(you might laugh, but its has link : after all mind-body area always linked). So what i suggest, very secretly write down all your mental stresses, unfulfilled desires, still to be fulfilled, and grudges in past, present on any things, persons, situations etc...etc. whatever bothering you or just come to your mind, JUST write them down. fold the paper, and put in your hands and pray god that all those things you wrote down will no longer bother your soul any more. and then simply burn the paper fully and through out the ash in drain. do it for few days.
NB1: don't kindly think that its magic, tantric or anything but purely based on Psychology. i am sure your recover from it sooner than you thought.
NB2: i did not read through the above for proof read, if any mistakes, kindly let me know.
NB3: anyway you doing puja. i suggest make it habit of studying the 22 slokas of Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham, with Shradda and focus 3 times each day.
Thanks sir. I follow your instructions especially dattatraya pooja. I also bought dattatraya pooja book and read in parts as suggested by my astrologer daily.
Though this forum is not for spiritualism. but its linked to health for believers. So, Dattatreyudu is my savior always.
Well,I do believe in spiritualism, I read random page from my guru' book before my prayers. I watch videos from Melmaruvathuoor, live darshan from Shirdi three times if I can. and few other things. Sensing times with small grand children and answering all why? questions make me think a lot. When I park my car I always leave the front wheel any way I like, but my eldest grandson always ask me to park the wheel straight.
Take care.
Age is just a number and we should not consider it at all.
We should continue to do all the works we used to, instead of expecting the ‘medicines’ to substitute our motives. Doctors are not ‘healers’ but ‘agents of drug manufacturers’.
At 75 I live as I used to, expecting to die one day as determined by the Creator of all of us!
i am an mbbs doctor aged 93 yrs. all modern medicines i used did not do much. rather they caused multiple gastro intestinal problems. i have been studying homeopathic remedies for the last about 15 yrs. i feel, these age related pains are micro concretions in tendons ligaments, muscles, osteophytes, enthesophytes, uric acid diatheses, acid alkali imbalance, hormonic imbalance etc. etc. for this regular movement of each and every joints, preferably active (freehand) regular contraction relaxation of every muscles, by mental power, without bothering for the pains and inhibitions are very essential. some homeopathic , like arnica, bryonia, rhus tox, ruta, calc. fluor, fluoric acid, formica rufa, gnaphalium etc etc, may be helpful.
I tried physiotherphy also for neck but it did not help. More pain. I can hear click sound when i turn neck right or left.