Final Report on Saturated Fat by UK Scienti... - Diabetes India

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Final Report on Saturated Fat by UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN )

namaha profile image
45 Replies

Very interesting read on Saturated Fat! The committee finally recommends Saturated fat directly from natural food such as Dairy, Egg, meat. PUFA based food to be avoided to reduce CV risk....

Please read on!

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namaha profile image
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45 Replies
ramana42 profile image

I am confused about inclusion of eggs in the list foods to be avoided.I will be happy if some body clarifies about eating two eggs a day.I read from many sources that eggs are safe as far as cholesterol levels are concerned.Some reports indicate that eggs are not rich in saturated fat.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply toramana42

Where about in the document did you read about the eggs?


barani19 profile image
barani19Administrator in reply toramana42

ramana42 Sir,

Our ancestors did not consult any one or read research papers before having a food. When there was a wide spread propaganda that saturated fat is bad for health and having coconut will result in CVD, i refuted by saying, " Then the entire state of Kerala would have been wiped out by now as they have at least one full size coconut daily in their cuisine."

ssampath profile image
ssampath in reply toramana42

Kindly read Dr.Jason Fung's the " Diabetic Code" in which he has dealt with eating eggs are safe even though I am a vegan and follow LCHF food regime and my sugar has been down from fasting 350 mg/dl to 162 mg/dl and post postprandial 478 mg/dl to 220 mg/dl and that too a steady decrease by adopting 16 hours of fasting 8 hours of only two meal and black/cream coffee with nuts and coconut kernel and so on regime or plan and the first meal at 12.30pm being enjoyed with lots of vegetables and the night time meal with only fats like paneer, cheese,butter and ghee mixed with Rasam( the south Indian lean tamarind and tomato soup). It is almost 55 days I stopped taking any kind of High carbs like rice,wheat and all other starchy products and has stopped eating any kind of sweets and fruits which spikes up the sugar alarmingly.

In that book I read that eggs yellow and white are safe to consume when you are adhering to LCHF food and you can also verify it from that book if you would like to please.Good luck .

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply tossampath

I have tried having two egg omelette with mushrooms,onions,and coconut powder with fantastic results.I just wanted more clarification.Thank you.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply toramana42

What are the benefits of your omelette compared with just two eggs scrambles in butter, salt and pepper till the lunch 5 hours later?

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply tosandybrown

Let me describe all the contents of my breakfast.Starts with a cup of concoction made by boiling some common herbs that we use regularly at home.The omelette consists of two eggs,onions,mushrooms and coconut flour andone green chilli .Also one betel leaf and two table spoons of fenugreek sprouts.With this breakfast,I recorded PPBS of 107 which I could not achieve since maybe,15 years.So,I am going to stick with it.Thank you for the interest and advise.

Praveen55 profile image
Praveen55Moderator in reply toramana42

Normal Plasma Cholesterol in an 88-Year-Old Man Who Eats 25 Eggs a Day — Mechanisms of Adaptation

An interesting paper published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1991. Follow the link below to read the paper. The person ate 20 to 30 eggs per day for over 15 years.

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply toPraveen55

I must say your post is very educative and useful to me to come to a conclusion.Though I cannot relate with the old man for obvious reasons,I will surely settle for two egg formula with confidence.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply toPraveen55

Very interesting.

But what I surprisingly find is the HDL is low at 45. Was expecting HDL more than 60. Nowadays, the guidelines for HDL minimum requirement is 60 !

I feel the person was eating grain/ seed -fed chicken eggs - not free range !

If that is so, then may be it had more PUFA in eggs which would have brought down his HDL level.

sandybrown profile image

This lady has written many articles. Cholesterol formula equation do not balance also came from one of Zoe's article. Enjoy reading and make up your mind on what is good for you!!!

gangadharan_nair profile image

Saturated fat is associated with cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), cancers (particularly breast, colorectal, ovarian and Prostate cancers) and bone health.


namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply togangadharan_nair

This was the theory discovered 50 years back. This is also in our text books. This is what majority of people have been following since then and till date !

What is the result ?

People reduced saturated Fat to zero and ate only carbs ,proteins , vegetable PUFA oils ....

Result is increased rate in obesity, Heart failures, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and increased cancer rate and these diseases increasing at a rapid rate !

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tonamaha

You and others might want to read the articles of Dr Ray Peat on the virtues of saturated fat vis-a-vis unsaturated ones at the following links which I also posted on the webpage featuring the "Final Report on Saturated Fat ..." referenced above :

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply toHaldin21

Thank you for all the links!, I will continue to do what I have been doing for last 50 years of my like, this is when I had to learn to cook for my self. At 72 life seems OK. Only time will tell of health problems.

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tosandybrown

You're welcome. I feel it's not just about diet and food; one's mental & emotional disposition, attitude, etc. matter as well and it's summed up wisely in the expression: "Be happy no matter what." Meaning that a positive outlook will itself attract goodness in all its manifold expressions.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply toHaldin21

Dear Haldin

Where were you till date Dear! I have not seen you posting any message , though you seem to be knowing a lot on PUFA on which I have done a lot of research on my own body. 😀

I keep telling members on PUFA vs SFA whenever I get an opportunity ! I really have a tough time to convince people that the old theory of EFA namely ALA & LA are no longer valid. ALA is not omega 3. It is a PUFA like LA. ALA & LA if consumed the final product is a longer chain Fatty acids with multiple double bonds are still worse such as Arachidonic Acid is inflammatory... EPA , DHA are also PUFA and hence equally damaging .

No RCT has shown good result on EPA/ DHA with respect to CV health. But fish oil supplements are being sold like hot cake.

Flax seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds , wal nuts all are bad ! I have tried myself.

In one of the article , the author says "peroxide oxidation PUFA does 23 times more damage to protein than simple sugar" absolutely right.

Anyway, thanks for the links. Would be helpful for my research work on T2 Diabetes and LCHF diet.


Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tonamaha


The following may also interest you :

The Oiling of America :

Following Sai Baba's recommendations, I stopped cooking food in/with oil, whether saturated or unsaturated. Doing that is the royal road to heart disease and diabetes, according to him. So it is NOT about oil ingestion per se, but rather HOW the oil is handled. He says that the best way to cook food is to steam it. This I find hard to adapt to so I usually apply boiling instead - e.g. boiling together rice, millet, oat + veges. No oil added. But it's OK, I think, to add some oil [e.g. ghee, sesame oil] AFTER the food is cooked.

Praveen55 profile image
Praveen55Moderator in reply tonamaha

Changing long held beliefs always takes time.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply toHaldin21

Dear Haldin

Who is this Raypeat? I have never heard of him!

Anyway, his articles touched my heart as I have been doing research on PUFA vs MFA vs SFA since last 20 years.

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tonamaha


R. Peat is not any body ... he holds 2 Phds, yes, double doctorates!! But he's a very humble biochemist. He's not interested in making a name or a splash in the pool which is why you've not come across him. Absolutely dedicated to his work and he refuses to naively subscribe to mainstream science esp those boffins that misguide the general public and become a part of the vested interests of Big Pharma who are, as Dr J. Mercola once sarcastically said, tied to the hips of the US govt. Since you've been doing lots of research in PUFA vs MFA etc, Dr Ray Peat is one scientist whose works you should get to know more. One paper everyone should read many times over is the following titled 'The Great Fish Oil Experiment". It is jammed packed with info and very condensed hence the need to read it over many times :

The Great Fish Oil Experiment :

PUFA Breakdown Products Depress Mitochondrial Respiration :

Insulin inhibits lipolysis :

The Randle Cycle :

Free Fatty Acids Suppress Cellular Respiration :

PUFA Decrease Cellular Energy Production :

PUFA, Fish Oil, and Alzheimers :

Fish Oil and Lipid Peroxidation :

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply tonamaha


Concerning my background, I have a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Oregon, with specialization in physiology. The schools I have taught at include: the University of Oregon, Urbana College, Montana State University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Universidad Veracruzana, the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, and Blake College. I also conduct private nutritional counseling.

I started my work with progesterone and related hormones in 1968. In papers in Physiological Chemistry and Physics (1971 and 1972) and in my dissertation (University of Oregon, 1972), I outlined my ideas regarding progesterone, and the hormones closely related to it, as protectors of the body's structure and energy against the harmful effects of estrogen, radiation, stress, and lack of oxygen.

The key idea was that energy and structure are interdependent, at every level."

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tosandybrown

@ namaha

Thanks for providing your academic bkgr info. You may be interested to hear that Ray Peat highly recommends progesterone and always warns one of the dangers of estrogen and how to work one's way round estrogen :

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tosandybrown

@ namaha

I am tired of the dietary/nutritional approach and am looking for alternative modalities. One that swung by lately is the use of/listening to RIFE frequencies and there are so many people posting this and that online. One YT uploader came up with three versions of them which he called primary, secondary and tertiary.

Could you and others pls test them out and see if it works or not and then provide feedback to HU. It would good to compare notes. From the comments I read, the overall response is very positive. Imagine your BS dropping 20-40+ points from auditioning just one session, say the secondary one lasting 18:18 [min/sec]. Here's the link to the latter two. The primary one [excluded] is much too long as it exceeds an hour+.

Secondary : Eliminating Diabetes-Secondary-Rife Technology)

Tertiary : Killing Diabetes With Rife Frequencies! (Warning! Can cause large drop in sugar level) :

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply toHaldin21

Very good music to my ears for health!

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tosandybrown

Yes, the music in the first video is very soothing - native American. Incidentally, I have the music which I bought on a CD sometime ago. It's called Shamanic Dream. The RIFE frequencies featured are not easy to listen to, though. The Shamanic Dream soundtrack has been added to make the lot more palatable, I guess. Do read the comments below the screen as that will give you an idea of the many responses from those who auditioned the video. I would sit in half lotus pose while listening to the audio media.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply toHaldin21

Dear Haldin

Thanks for a lot of stuff ! Am excited to see a lot of stuff on estrogens and progetsterone which I had done some work in my earlier project.

I see some of my favorite topics let me see if I could learn something new !😬

Will read one after another and will conneçt with you.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply toHaldin21

First video not opening

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply tonamaha

Please go to Google, you can find the clip!

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tonamaha

Sorry to hear that. I don't know why this is happening. I tried reposting the link but the same happened. OK, am pasting the link here again with brackets. You'll need to remove the brackets or do not copy them. Another way: copy the title of video below, paste it in the SEARCH bar at Youtube, and press return.

Eliminating Diabetes-Secondary-Rife Technology)


sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply toHaldin21

I was speaking to a friend in Sri Lanka, it appears there is a group of people going to elderly and sick people's home and signing in for 30 minutes to help them feel better. Where did this come from I ask?

sandybrown profile image

1. The video clips of different frequencies I listened to was good. Power of music! this is what made me to write of singing in for 30 minutes to help elderly people...

Thank you for the video link on Swami Sai Baba's visit. Here is a connection.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply tosandybrown

Haldin has sent so much stuff - very interesting- such that it will keep me occupied for next 10 days ! ☺️

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply tonamaha

This post has a lot of information! many links to save as reference materials.

The question on eggs, heath line has sent few emails on Type2 and eggs.

Very interesting to read.

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tosandybrown


I eat one egg a day and have noticed nothing unusual, so all the claims about BG-lowering capability are questionable. There's one video on YT promoting a diabetic recipe using eggs. It involves poking holes all over a shelled hard-boiled egg with a fork and then leaving the pretty thing in a bowl of vinegar overnight and then eating the marinated beauty the following day!! More likely, the vinegar is the BG-lowering agent as many people have reported that taking a tbsp or two in water prior to meals experienced a downward spike in BG. Here's the video/link.

A friend of mine even used eggs to exorcise jinns/bad spirits from people by driving or forcing the malevolent spirits to enter eggs [or even lemons] where they are trapped. The egg has to be carefully disposed off in a drain or in a natural surrounding to prevent them from returning. Appears to work!! Others would used shelled boiled eggs to roll them over trouble spots on the body to remove excessive "fire" or heat, which is a folklorish method to treat fever.

There is much discussion - both ways - on egg consumption & diabetes. Check them out on this YT video page :

Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tonamaha

sandybrown I'm amazed at you and sandybrown's passion for learning and living. Are you and sandybrown of the same age? He said he's 72 yrs!! I've tried pregnenolone recommended by R Peat before. Didn't notice anything different. Same with coconut oil which some claimed to lower their BS. No such luck for me. Coconut oil, like pineapple, are loaded with salicylate and this, according to one US researcher, could be used to turn diabetes on and off like some switch as it's able to lower or remove inflammation. But the researcher used a very strong dose in the form of salsalate [FDA-approved drug for arthritis] which can cause serious internal bleeding but the proof of concept is there. Are you aware of salicylate ---- > lowering BS/BG?

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply toHaldin21

Dear Haldin

👍 Yes, I am aware of salicylic acid , salicylate , salsalate- I am fully aware.

(1) Salsalate is US- FDA approved for Athritis!

(2) Acetyl Salicylic acid is nothing but Amrutanjan sold widely in India and elsewhere for relief of cold, flu, Headache.

(3) Salicylic acid creams are available to use on skin rashes, wart, and for itching !

(4) Aspirin tablet is a salicylate used for headache and as a painkiller- NSAID

(5) US FDA has also approved its use along with a statin as a blood thinner ( to avoid blood clot).

(6) It can also be used to treat high level of inflammation i.e to reduce hsCRP (please refer my post on hsCRP)

(7) it is also a blood glucose reducing agent - a lot of trial has been done and found useful in lowering blood glucose- I have seen a lot of studies. If you are interested I will send you the links.

The only issue is that long term use could lead to acidity, Petic ulcer depending upon dose, though still it is being used widely as a prescribed drug by heart patient.

Coconut oil, salicylate is available in small quantities and no wonder coconut oil is massaged in skin cures skin rash and wart.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply tonamaha

Number 4 :

"Salicylate is a natural chemical found in plants which use it as a preservative to protect themselves against disease, bacteria fungi and insects. The synthetic form of salicylate is acetyl salicylate (aspirin). The amount of salicylate in plant-based food is lower when compared taking a moderate dose of aspirin"

You can find more information below link:

I learned about Salicylate about 25 years ago because of my allergy.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply tosandybrown


Haldin21 profile image
Haldin21 in reply tonamaha

I've been tempted to try supplementing with the raw botanical form - willow bark - which can be ordered online, hoping to bypass the unpleasant/negative side effects of aspirin. Unfortunately, I learned in the literature that this is NOT recommended too as it can also produce similar negative side effects. Willow bark has quite a folklorish reputation in alleviating inflammation as well but lost out when it got replaced by the synthetic form of aspirin. Here's the conclusion found in the research with salsalate as a potential pathway to treat T2DM :

"These findings implicate an inflammatory process in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in obesity and type 2 diabetes and identify the IKKb pathway as a target for insulin sensitization..."

The article can be read here :

I guess the article above is old news to you. I don't know what happened to that researcher. He was supposed to go on to stage 2 to see if he can find a similar substance without the adverse side effects of salsalate. I'll try check that out in the next few days. Ray Peat highly recommends aspirin for diabetics and other ailments. The name "Amrutanjan" sounds better because of the root / stem "Amrut" - who doesn't want that? Dunno what "tanjan" or "anjan" refers to - nothing contrary, I hope : - ). Is Amrutanjan a synthetic derivatitive like aspirin?

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply tonamaha

Inflammation is the basic issue in all metabolic syndrome whether it is obesity, Type-2, or CV risk.

I am convinced that it needs to be targeted. Good there is a measure to assess inflammation.

What I find that almost all allopathy diabetic drugs have inherent characteristic towards controlling the hsCRP, but then all such drugs unfortunately whips the pancreas to produce insulin and finally they destroy the beta cells gradually in the long run and almost all type 2's are destined to get converted to type-1 due to this whipping action...

Aspirin could be a strategy to reduce inflammation if your body can withstand. And it is a FDA approved drug for a variety of formulations . In fact it is a life saving drug for heart patients.

I am tempted to try this to keep body inflammation under control . But right now I am contraindicated since I am on vitamin k2- MK7. Let me see if I can start with a low dose of aspirin after talking with my physician.

Incidentally , I am using a salicylic acid- a cream developed by Dr Reddy's lab on my leg and feet which keeps it absolutely free from germs . Because it is pH value is 5. NO bacteria can live at that PH.

In fact , nowadays you can use some soaps and shampoos which have salycilic acid with this pH formulae.

Most of the soaps and shampoos are highly alkaline leadíng to dry skin and growth of germs on skin leading to skin rash Wart and other skin complications .

sandybrown profile image

Thank you.

sandybrown profile image

The connection is Swami Sai Baba.

When I was in Sri Lanka, I went to a house in Trinco. The lady in the house welcomed us and took time for us to pray and relax. There are no words to describe.

When I saw you video clip (is it power point?), the connection came back.

sandybrown profile image

Can you please message me on the private message, your mobile number and whatsapp access. OR an email address I can give you the address for this house in Trinco. Where in Singapore is "Swami Home?"

sandybrown profile image

Sorry, for the confusion!, yes it is chat. You can use chat to send me the details.

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