What is the normal insulin level in NON-DIABETIC PERSON
Normal insulin levels: What is the normal... - Diabetes India
Normal insulin levels

Fasting Insulin Levels for adults: The numbers given below are quite different from the wide range of values generally given in the lab report. However, the numbers below are more useful as they have been determined based on large number of patients:
1. Low: Less than 3 mU/L
2. Optimal: 3 - 8 mU/L
3. High: More than 8 mU/L
The above numbers should be seen along with fasting blood glucose numbers so that insulin resistance can be calculated which makes better sense.
The risk of future type 2 diabetes rises with insulin level above 8. At present diabetes is diagnosed based on blood sugar level and not on insulin level. The person may have been insulin resistant long before he becomes diabetic/pre-diabetic.
If someone took insulin shot at bed time, and test his blood the next morning, his insulin level would be lower or higher than it should be?
The above numbers are for non-diabetics. I do not know the answer to your question for sure. I guess 8 - 10 hrs should be enough for the effect of external insulin to die out and the level of insulin in the morning should return to base value.
The numbers are used in single digits whereas in most of the labs fbs os metioned as 80-100 normal. It would b more helpful this way.

I do not know the answer for your query,but I am providing a link to a related article,with a hope that you will find it interesting.
Reference Range
Insulin Level Insulin Level (SI Units*)
Fasting< 25 mIU/L< 174 pmol/L
30 minutes after glucose administration30-230 mIU/L208-1597 pmol/L
1 hour after glucose administration18-276 mIU/L125-1917 pmol/L
2 hour after glucose administration16-166 mIU/L111-1153 pmol/L
What is meant by Insulin Level? Are you mentioning about Blood Sugar Values. How to measure Insulin Level?

Insulin is a hormone made by pancreas. Its role is to transport glucose from the blood stream to the various cells in the body where they are needed. It is not blood sugar/glucose but it helps control BS. The measurement of insulin is done at a lab by taking the blood sample.