In India, rice or roti (chapati ) is part of our meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. How do you portion your meal e.g: 1 roti (chapati ) at breakfast, 2 serving spoons of rice at lunch and 1 roti (chapati ) at dinner? Is this enough for a diabetic?
Rice or Roti(Chapati) Portion: In India, rice... - Diabetes India
Rice or Roti(Chapati) Portion

Every person has a different level of tolerance to carbohydrate intake depending on the stage of the diabetes. It is best to monitor your blood sugar after eating a particular meal ( 1 hr and 2 hr) to find out what and how much you should eat to keep the blood sugar in the target range.
Personally, I stopped eating roti and rice altogether to keep my BS in non-diabetic range.
I am able to burn off and hba1c is 5.6 and BMI is 23 .I thought to take some feedback from all of you.
Your HbA1c is normal (non-diabetic). Have you been diagnosed diabetes? Are you on diabetes medications? Your BMI is on the borderline ( Indians are more prone to have diabetes at a BMI > 22.9). It will be good to lose some bodyweight unless you are very muscular.As far as food is concerned, let glucometer be your guide.
A chapathy gives 150 calories and curry with it gives some 150 calories . That way your food in take comes to about 1000 calories .You can still take one banana , 2 dates , 200 ml of curds , a bowl of cooked vegetables and a fistful of nuts safely . It is safe to take all the food items in reduced quantities rather than skip some totally . Life is not a question of a month or year . It is a continuous saga of many many years .

I do excercise to burn around 400 calorie and manage couples of parties also
No. If you are diabetic, then you can't take bananas, dates, rotis, rice, etc. because they all are loaded with carbohydrates.
calories are calories whether they come from carbs or fats or proteins . If we keep a count of the calories and the calories' count does not exceed the prescribed limit , no extra burden falls on the system . Any way the calories count is different in different food items . This is a simple logic . 100 gms of carbs give 400 calories , 5o gms of proteins give 200 calories , 25 gms of fats give 225 calories , 250 ml of curds give 250 calories , Banana of medium size gives 125 calories , 2 dates give 50 calories , all greens and vegetables give some 300 calories , including hidden carbs in proteins , greens , vegetables etc . So where is the question of extra pressure on insulin secretion It is a myth that carbs give extra load .If one avoids junk food ,sugary syrups , indiscriminate eating ,sugar loaded drinks , fat loaded eatables there is no question of any one getting diabetes .When the diet has a well balanced nutrition it takes care of the health in all respects . Food is a medicine and medicine is food .Yes , a high fat and /or high protein food keeps hunger at bay for long time . But a planned food in take also does the same . The fear that carbs digest very fast and necessitate frequent eating has caused all the theories of high fat low carb diets .
For us it does matter where the calories come from. Carbs we can't utilize. So, we can't convert all carbs into the calories. But the unutilized high blood sugars can harm our vital organs. We have to use fats / ketone bodies as the fuels instead of sugar. That's what's our fuel.
we are not taking excess carbs so that they remain unconverted . It is a strange opinion that carbs can't be converted even if excess carbs are not taken. Any thing in excess of the need turns in to un utilised sugar. Fiber , protein and fats slow the digetion. where carbs are associated with these ingredients the carb intake stabilises blood sugar levels . Portion sizes are important . Fruits have higher dietary fiber with lower amounts of added sugar . So while selecting food items we have to take in to count the high fiber items .In fact high carbs coupled with high fiber diets ensure a drop in the blood sugar levels . complex carbs ,healthy fats ,vitamins and minerals give a balanced and nutrient food .Initially low carb diet may give fat loss and drop in blood sugar level . But once the weight loss levels out , low carb diet is in no way different from low fat diet . Only one thing matters in this respect ---that is portion size . Any thing in excess of need leads to the problem . A person of 20 or 30 years of age can not adhere to the high fat low carb diet for another 40 or 50 years of his life . He would get vexed with life.
I'm also not talking about excess carbs. Diabetics have limited capacity to metabolise carbs which is not the same for all.It's different in different individuals.Calories are not just calories. The same amount of calories in sugar, complex carbs fats and protein have different effect. Carbs with fibers are released slowly so may have lower sugar spikes but at the end of the day pancreas has to burn off the load. And we as D are poor in disposing that off. And there is another more efficient fuel than glucose, the ketones. So we need to take /use that fuel harmless to us.
A person can very well live his entire life without taking carbs and can live longer. Our own life starts on keto foods. Infants live and thrive on keto diet.The people pursuing endurance exercises and engaged in such games like marathon, long distance racing and loan tennis pursue keto diet.But you can choose the diet that suits you.
Where is the proof that diabetics are poor in disposing off the extra load got from carbs . Extra load is extra load from whatever may be the source . The crux of matter is since simple carbs get digested very easily and very fast people eat more often which contributes to more food and more calories . If only they decide not to go for more food to meet the cravings , and take a fruit , or keera or fried and seasoned palak or thin watery butter milk which is well planned for , in the schedule of their diet , the point of disposing off does not arise . As for as the point of living longer with out taking carbs is concerned the same holds good in case of not taking extra fat rich food also . There is no point in going in circles Proof of pudding is in eating . Let the time talk about the truth .
So what's the difference between us and the others ? Why are we called diabetics?
No two people are alike and no two people react in the same way in a given condition . That applies to diabetics also . Diabetes is a disorder but not suffix or prefix . The difference is neurotoxins , which get accentuated with extra fats in course of time when once the levels are set in .
What's that disorder?
That disorder is hormonal imbalance . It could have been due to different reasons in different people . If it is only carb intolerance all other people who do not take carb at all should not have diabetes at all and they need not take any prescribed medicines at all . When they take high fat , initially , the sugar levels could have come down . But different people react in a different way to the same food and the time schedule is also different .That happens in case of any diet and any disease. But diseases coming from virus or bacteria or microbes respond the same way to the same medicines and same food same time span . Basing on that fact only vaccines are introduced . For autoimmune diseases no vaccines are found out so far . So uniform policy of taking a particular diet which is not natural and not balanced is a lopsided view . To day there is no food which is free from contaminants . But we can't help it .Of all the foods most dangerous is meat , fish and fats . Milk and milk products are not an exception . Limited quantities of whole grains , fruits , greens vegetables and nuts are relatively safe. we have to have some food and so we have no other option.
>> If it is only carb intolerance all other people who do not take carb at all should not have diabetes at all and they need not take any prescribed medicines at all .
The above statement is absolutely true for t2d people. And it's the basis of lchf diet causing reversal. Many on this forum have conquered their D with low carb keto diet. Conversely the carnivorous people don't develop t2d. For t1d diet doesn't matter but high carb diet need more insulin and more complication rate.
Do you have any guarantee that all the fats , which you are thinking good fats are really good fats . Except a minor percentage of fortunate people we all have to depend on the out side supply for the milk ,butter , curds , ghee , cheese , coconut oil fruits ,vegetables etc etc etc . Then what about the toxic poisons in them ----------- milk of oxytocin , meat of steroids , coconut oil of metacid , fish of nuclear wastes , fruits and vegetables of chemicals and fertilisers which all are beyond reasonable limits , even water of excess levels of floride ? Some 50 years back diabetes was not so prevalent as of now because pollution at all levels and all products was relatively minimal .When advices are lashed out at people to eat more fat and more vegetables people are thrown open to more dangers because of all the hidden poisons which act as slow poison , the result of which would become clear and plain in course of time . The life on planet earth is going to be ridden of incurable diseases . Of course we ordinary human beings are helpless . we have to eat something to survive . The war should start at the level of cleaning the psyche of the people but not in giving dangerous advices to eat more fats . Now for your kind info , even vitamins , minerals , tablets , supplements are not safe . This racket does not get exposed unless and until , the concerned parties come out and admit the facts .
I am yet to understand contradiction both type of protocols -low carb and low fat ...I grew up in eastern india where one can not think of meal without rice. I think medications and excercises are able to control my diabetes in spite of consuming high carb meal .. First time trying to lower carb
You are right. One has to learn about diabetes and diets to manage the condition properly. Yes, it is possible to control diabetes with medications and exercise in spite of consuming high carb meals. In fact, that is the traditional approach followed by many. The problem in this approach is that with time the diabetes becomes worse and one needs more and more medicines to control it which finally leads to using external insulin.
There are others who have been managing their diabetes without medications/or significantly reduced medications by limiting carbohydrate consumption below their tolerance levels. This dietary approach is LCHF ( Low Carb High Fat) which has been very effective in losing bodyweight and reducing after-meal blood sugar and hence reduction in HbA1c. There are lot of information available. You should spend some time researching it and assess its suitability with your conditions. I am fully aware that it may not be suitable for every one. But it is worth considering.
There is no contradiction. It's our inability to metabolise carbs. The sugar accumulating in our blood harms our vital organs which fail to function in a long run. Since diabetes is not a disease drugs are not the solution. Exercises are good but after certain age we can't / won't be able to do them. So we must have a universal solution for everyone. It's very simple. You can't fill a machine with the fuel it can't utilize or the machine will be failed.
As of now low fat diet is recommended by AHA for those with heart disease . Cardiologists (Ornish,Essenstyn and others) support similar school of thoughts.
For person with diabetes and heart disease both it becomes low carb low fat which means high protein but that does not ensure a balanced diet . In Indian context we may have to settle for low glycemic carb (65% ) good fat (20%) Protein 15% . Any other thoughts ?
That's a wrong concept and wrong teaching and preaching. The purpose was to sell statins. The false theory coined that fats are bad and the cause of all the vascular blocking and clogging. But good fats are not harmful but useful in getting rid of pathological fat accumulated in our body by almost nil insulin response. Now the cardiologists like aseem malhotra and many others have come out openly challenging old concept of low fat diet.Actually carbs are the culprits. And good fats should be consumed to the extent that ketogenic ratio is 3-4:1.
Assem has published recently and other million of cardiologists are still unaware neither apex body revised guideline (recent aha 2018 vindicates) what common folks like us will follow when doctors we meet stick to aha guide
If doctors don't know doesn't mean it's wrong. The doctors don't want to come out of their comfort zone. Also it's very comfortable and lucrative for doctors to scribble few drugs, finish up the consultation at the earliest and mint money. Diet counseling takes hours and acceptance of dietary advice and idm is very poor amongst the people. Obviously for counseling patients have to pay more.
''In Indian context we may have to settle for low glycemic carb (65% ) good fat (20%) Protein 15% .''
That is too much carb for a person suffering from high blood sugar issues.
Yes indeed there are so many variables and frankly i get lost in so many informations .This Presentation contains analysis of various studies and statistical fallacies . Strangely recently concluded AHA2018 congress once again emphasized on LDL and lowered threshhold to 70mg/dl for high risk categories .Anyway We have to DECIDE what is best for us and move ahead . Look at another article which gives a less disturbing perspective for Indians who are traditionally high carb populations ( we eat chiecken with roti or rice where amount of carb > fat in chicken)
Sorry for the late response but i also do not agree the least that saturated fats are bad.
About ldl.Well ldl has 3 components. Ldl,glycated ldl and oxidized ldl.The last two result from high bs contaminating ldl. It's these last 2 ldls that are bad.
Dates help in reducing the cholesterol level , improving digestive system , balancing BP, improving vision , strengthening bones , improving immunity , memory power , learning skills , in bringing down the risk of cancer and diabetes , and last but not least giving a beautiful skin and slowing down the aging. When only two dates give all these boons , it is a very wise practice to make them a part of daily food . They are very sweet and cause insulin resistance . But that is if one takes a cup or fistful of dates per day ---- just two dates do not cause that harm .
2 dates have @13 g carbs. Dates raise my sugar. I'd not recommend.
13 gms make 52 calories and the spike caused by that amount of calories does not represent all diabetics . I have been time and again insisting on the point that all are not alike and all things do not react the same way in all people . We are free to reduce the portion in other items to that extent and effect . It is a personal choice .
Yes.Right.That's what the dictum.Everyone should know which foods spike their bs.
I have decided not to give any advice as it is not possible to convince any one . Meat , eggs , diary and fats in big quantities are going to do severe damage in the form of Parkinson's disease , schyzophrenia and other mental disorders . People will realise that only when they face that . Till such time they do not care . They demand scientific evidence and approval from medical community which is based on haphazard research and which goes back on every second day .

Can you cut the roti/chapati in half and save the other half for another meal? Half is less carbs.. Eat the one half and then add other food with it-- if your carb. count isn't high-- along with your blood sugars at the time.
That is a good idea. Our family members need to be educated as they feel awkward on such low intake.
Would you like me to send you a message later today on carb. counting for you to show to your family?
Thanks please do send . I shall be glad to read such info
Okay! Will do the note after 3:30 pm USA time. It's going to have the information at the top and the menu at the bottom once I get it done. If you have any questions, please let me know.
I just sent the message right now with the information on carb. counting and some examples. Please check and let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks I shall follow now it looks like I need to learn calorie and carb value of each food I take
Would you please mark a copy to me too
I have sent you the message now. Sorry for the delay!ππ do you prepare veggie smoothies and what is protein powder?
I usually take 2 eggs and medium size Avogado smoothies (sometimes, I add 1/4 apple/small banana/papaya to it) for breakfast, after one hour my sugar level will be within 120. But, I have to take some snacks like walnut or pecan nut or almond or peanut after 2 hours.
I get lost in calorie,cup and servings .To make a sense about quantity I googled and found a site
Frankly I am eating more than these and definitely there is room for improvement
Do all the experiments on you , your self . Take a note of the results . Reduce the quantity or change the food item if there is considerable increase in the sugar level . Slowly adjust . It is all a trial and error experiment . You can't and should not rely on others . Just as your pain and pleasure is yours only your experience in this issue is yours only . If the results are favourable slowly go on reducing the dose and frequency of the medicines But be careful in taking the readings correctly and regularly . In a period of maximum 6 months or minimum 3 months you will be on the road of recovery . Maintain that lifestyle for ever . Crash diets or different diets will bring you back to the original state once you revert to the original diet ,and it is not possible to continue the recommended diets for ever.
Agree main problem is culturally vegetables or non veg are consumed by adding rice or roti..this whole mindset need to change
Agree, i take boiled egg or omlet with added butter
Typical Indian food 3 meal amounts to 160gm carb ( 1 roti x2 +1 cup rice =25*2+50=100gm + 3 x vegetable =60gm ) if you add 1 apple a day 20gm =180gm carb.. Difficult to negotiate 80gm reduction with Mother/wife as they feel feeding full stomach is their achievement....
Great protocol .. Your posts say you are active too.. You are Indian in USA , here in India still 180-200gm carb is norm,at that level 1 or 2 medicines are must to control diabetes..huge education needed here to carb roti / rice menace..though I know but there are low fat psyche fed from cardiologist to push through even 130gm carb specified by ADA
Consume vegetable salad 4 times in a day.