"Every 30 seconds, a lower limb is lost somewhere in the world as a consequence of diabetes." - LANCET.
Diabetic Leg Ulcer: "Every 30 seconds, a... - Diabetes India
Diabetic Leg Ulcer

If it's just deep-seated diabetic wounds it can be treated with sea cucumber extract (called GAMAT in Indonesia & Malaysia). Someone I know has treated them with hydrogen peroxide (sprayed onto the wounds). There are also success stories of people recovering even from gangrene thru' application of the sea cucumber extract.
Check these videos out: youtube.com/results?search_...
All gimmicks. Until blood circulation is improved, diabetic ulcers are not going to heal. One may have to resort to flap transplants.
There have been actual cases right happening right in the govt hospital so no jokes, gimmicks, made-up stories, no lies, no fake news here. Best to keep people informed about potential alternative therapies in case they are unfortunate to experience needless suffering from diabetic complications. Keeping an open mind can go a long way to prevent that. Isn't this what this forum at HU is generally about?
Yes. No harm keeping people informed about proven alternative therapies but then people trust more than the actual scientific therapies and the basics of pathogenesis don't change. It's because of occlusion of the end arteries that diabetic ulcers are difficult to heal. And it's mechanical problem of the blood vessels that has to be tackled accordingly. Well. Everything and anything that helps should be tried.
Looks like some unwarranted assumptions are being made here - the local universities have actually been conducting MEDICAL research on sea cucumber and other diabetic herbs for some time now. This is what scientific research does - to investigate leads derived from folk use, etc.
One of the doctors [a professor at the university] spent years in the biotech industry in Japan to learn how to scientifically extract the healing components of sea cucumber. They have succeeded in using biotech to isolate the healing compound which they then use to produce a range of health products that have since then helped a no. of diabetics - all these taking place under the watchful eye and aegis of the Malaysian government. You see, Malaysia has a vested interest in sea cucumber and it is one of the native exports of the country. Now one is talking about a fairly large industry that's has its base on the beautiful island of Langkawi, a popular and scenic tourist resort.
When we can, and do, alleviate the pain and distress of suffering humanity, I believe even God will cry, for compassion is a stellar sign that the divinity in him has started to manifest and which in time will come of age.
Please elaborate on this line of treatment,where it is available etc.Thank you.
No assumptions. No need to. I'm talking about basic pathophysiology. D ulcers are also called trophic ulcers. Because they occur because of ischaemia / poor blood supply to that part.
@Ramana42 . If you are asking about flap transplant it's a surgical procedure wherein a flap of skin with a good blood supply is created and the flap is stitched to the D ulcer area keeping stalk with blood vessels intact. Later when the ulcer heals in 10-15 days the stalk is severed. Such flaps may have to be taken from the opposite limb a or any other feasible part of the body. Good is any herb or drug successfully treats such ulcers. The people will be saved from the surgery.
Are you referring to the use of sea cucumber extract or something else? You see it's not very clear what you're referring to by "this line of treatment". I assume that you are referring to the therapeutic use of sea cucumber extract. The main product is Gamogen (Gamat = sea cucumber). The others like Zaniplus, Rejusol contain the same extract as its main ingredient called 'Gamodulin' besides other nutrients. They are all taken orally. Gamogen however can also be directly applied to diabetic wounds. *USD 1= RM 3.9
[1] myhealin.com/
[2] hoh2u.com/
[3] houseofhealin.com.my/testim... [testimonials]
[4] google.com.my/search?hl=en&...
[1] Youtube video: youtube.com/watch?v=ipN6Y-b...
[2] youtube.com/watch?v=G_09fhu... (diabetic wound - testimony)
[2b] youtube.com/watch?v=SAu5tRj...
[3] youtube.com/watch?v=pZtr8BT...
[4] youtube.com/watch?v=_a4GCB6...
[5] youtube.com/results?search_...
Thank you.Your assumption is correct and your reply is spot on.Will be useful just in case.
Glad to hear that my assumption was correct. The product Gamogen can be found at eBay - which I believe is much more expensive than the one ordered from source. Note that it has a wide range of uses and not just for diabetic wounds, and they include: arthritis, eczema, colon cancer, skin problems.
Hydration & circulation. High blood sugar? Good luck!
Diabetic leg ulcer is often infected with other pathogens such as pseudomonas aerogenosa and it is difficult to treat the same due to drug resistance. Multiple types of bacteria may also cause necrotizing fasciitis.