Sufferring from severe pain and unbearable burning sensation Long term diabetic under insulin and gliclazide. Fasting 110 and pp200.Any remedy to lessen the pain and burning sensation
Neuropathy: Sufferring from severe pain and... - Diabetes India

Hi Csvenkatasubramanian ,
How long have you had neuropathy in your feet? Did your doctor put you on anything for the pain/burning?
Past ten years. The patient is my wife.
Did the doctor give your wife any medication?
Pain killers. Tramadal but not effective
Can you please let the doctor know what you told me and then ask for a new appointment to see if they can put her on something else? Have you talked with your wife about a second opinion? A possible new doctor may also be able to help.
I too have this Diabetic Neuropathy pain especially at night on my left leg and left knees.
I was advised to take Tab Lyrica 75 at night after dinner. I did this for over a month. It had a good effect in the sense as I get a nice sleep I was not feeling the Pain. My local Dr advised to go for Capsule ME-PR which is available in india and its price is only Rs 8/per capsule compared to Rs 80/- Per capsule for Lyrica. I am taking this for the last one year without any problem and I have been advised this is the best remedy today possible for me. V Thanumoorthy

Your symptoms of classic long term diabetes,even if properly managed,and advancing age aggravates the problem.Virtually,there is no way you can reverse it,but can get relief by applying a moisturising lotion over the problem areas and for the feet,you can apply DIAFOOT cream.Problem gets reduced substantially,but be careful not to walk on wet floor because the cream is somewhat slippery on wet flooring.This is my experience.
She is under control only after taking the mrdicine.Vitamins tried but not ALA
Have you tried lchf / keto diet? You will have to learn carb counting.
Your wife has neuropathy due to demyelination of nerve fibers. Result of uncontrolled Diabetes. This is an irreversible condition. Pregbalin and high dose vit b12 are prescribed. Tramadol should be used for symptomatic relief and its routine use should be avoided.

How do you know it is diabetic nruropatjy?it could be vericose vein.Get proper diagnosis. done
My doctor says so.
Check serum b12 level
Please take Gomutra ark with worm water two times a day your neuropathy and other diabetics problems will control
If it is neuropathy, take co-enzyme Q10 50 mg everyday.
Insha'Allah it will disappear after a week or two weeks time.
I also suffered due to Nueropathy some years back. Doctor prescribed Diavita Plus capsules which helped and there was reliefin paid. Discus with your Doctor and if he thinks appropriate he can give any supplement with Vitamin B 1 B 6 B 12 and Antioxdidant with Alfa Lipoic Acid which may help
I will bear it in mind