How to get rid of the burning sensation in feet?
Burning sensation in feet: How to get rid of... - Diabetes India
Burning sensation in feet
Please Give More details " Sugar levels , any other aliments , if diabetic period you been facing this problem " this will help you get meaningful help here by other users ..
I am 56 and diabetic for more than 10 years. At present my FBS:116and ppbs: 193
Never mentioned that you are a diabetic. So, please give a little detail, before asking. Or you want guess work suggestions ?
I am 56 and diabetic for more than 10 years. At present my FBS: 116 and PPBS: 193 and having burning sensation in my feet for the last Two years. Pl suggest some remedy.
It is obvious that you are suffering from peripheral neuritis and it may be due to long standing diabetes. As it is since last 2 years, must have talked to your doctor and who must have advised accordingly.
You can try a few things, eg. A few cloves of garlic,add it to your salad.
Alpha Lipoic Acid,which is available on line and in the medicine shops,has benefitted many.
Vit B. Complex injections ,taken IM alternate days is also helpful .
Your bs is a bit high, so get HbA1c done. And try to lower your blood sugar,by adjusting your diet and improving physical activity.
Burning sensation in the feet is a common complaint among diabetics as they advance in age,though the sugar levels are in reasonable control.Your doctor may prescribe medicine but in my view it may not help in reducing the burning sensation.What I do is ,I use a cream called Diafoot cream.I do get good relief within a short þiime.
Pl give some brief about LCHF.
Your PPBS sugar is high.Reduce it by control with food and exercise.Follow LCHF. Try to reduce HbA1c to be below 6.Take a capsule of Diavit Plus capsule after dinner.It has 200 mg ALA and 1500 mcg methycobalamine.Sprouted moong will also help as it is very rich in Vit B complex and fibre.The cream suggested by many may help.Thanks