I wa diagnosed with metabolic syndrome in november 2016. Fbs 3g/l a1c 11.3. Hypertension tension 16/90. I have loste 27% of my weight . Exercices 3 to 4 times per week. My current fbs around 0.69 to 0.90 and pp never more 1.40. My new a1c is 5.2. I have see 2 different doctor and told me I am not diabetic. I am off medication since december 2016 but on low carb. I have noticed that i am litle bit sensitive de carb and sugar because when I eat them my 2h pp spike to 1.60 max but go down to 1g at 3pp. I know that to confirm if i am diabetic i should pass ogtt test but I refuse to do it because not good for pancreas. Is it possible to have that good results for diabetic without medication. Is it good management. Thank you.
I am type2 but doctor told me no: I wa... - Diabetes India
I am type2 but doctor told me no

Your Initial HBa1c @11 indicated you had Diabetic for some time .. Then due to your effort on physical activity and Low carb you brought it down to 5.2 .. It means you are controlling D2 very well .. I think Testing OGTT Is not bad Idea at least once to get know Where your D2 Stands as of today and How well your panaceas working .. One OGTT will not hurt you much
When I first diaganosed my HbA1c was 11.2 with in 4 months I brought it down to 5.8 without taking any medicine but only on COntrolled Diet and Physical activiity . Yes It is possible to keep tight control on Numbers ,, But I dont know AM I Completly Diabetic free .,

Medicine dosage is sure to be moderated when you go for next review.Since your numbers are good,you can expect a downward revision.Best leave it to the doctor.
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels — that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
During initial stages, blood sugar can be controlled by low carbohydrate diet and aerobic exercise. Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes in near future.
This is an Indian site. We are following the blood sugar measurement as mg/dL (Milligram by decilitre). In other foreign countries, the blood sugar measurement is mmol/L. But you have given blood sugar measurement as g/L (Gram per Litre.
Your blood pressure measurement is also wrong. It is given as 16/90 mm Hg. Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg.
with in 4 months I brought it down to 5.8 --- great