Echinochloacolona : is a cosmopolitan weed common in gardens, roadsides, disturbed sites, waste areas, wetlands, and pastures. It is capable of invading natural areas, where it is being classified as the prime environmental weeds. It has high fibre contain which is essential for diabetes, cardio vascular-related disorders and for the patient who are suffering from constipation. E. colona also can be given to the celiac disease patient as an alternative gluten free diet. It has a low glycemic index and phyto-toxic effects. It shows high antimicrobial, antioxidant and plays a significant role in phyto-remediation. This minor millet which is famous as a predominant weed might act a long with a combination of the preventive medicines for an effective therapeutic strategy against the most common disorders such as diabetes and cardiovascular complications. It can also be used for prevention of starvation in under-developed and developing country.